There are so many pictures of crosses that they all seem to say the same thing "Glorious Victory." As we view our world and try to fathom why some people would completely ignore such a beautiful scene and not try to gather the meaning of these pictures it blows our minds.

I try to comprehend why a non-believer could not see our view of the importance of Calvary's crosses. I look at these in amazement and with great
relief, to know that one man came and loved me so much that he has freed me from all the guilt of my sins. He bore what I couldn't and I am thankful and confident because of Him.

A lot of times we think it was just physical pain that Christ went through, but we sometimes forget what He went through mentally. To take on every sin of every man past, present and future is something none us could ever imagine and yet Love every man, woman and child at the same time is beyond belief for us.

The toughest part for Jesus is when His Heavenly Father turned away from him. You can hear it in His words. "Father why have you forsaken me." What would it feel like if God turned His back on us, I cringe in Fear, it would be pain beyond what we could ever handle. Creation would stop and it would be a definition of Fear that could never be defined by human words.
"HELL" is what it will be like when God says "I never knew You." Words to ponder on, even as I write those words I get scared to think the The Lord will say that to many in the last days. "I never knew you."
Look at these pictures and define your meaning of them. See in your mind what was done upon them and take a deep breath and be grateful for what Christ came to this earth to do and be humble for what we didn't have to do.
I want God to say to everyone on the day of judgement "Well done my good and faithful servant." I pray we all hear those words and let's tell everybody our meaning of these pictures, and lets feed his sheep.