Friday, November 20, 2009

Who is Right When It Comes To Gay Rights Or Anything Else?

Today there was a video posted on Facebook about a kid who won't say the pledge of allegiance in school until our country gives gays and lesbians equal rights.  So I offended some people with my comment about the video.  I said, "when did gays become a race.  No equal rights!"

 I offended a friend of mine whom I didn't know was gay.  So I have spent my Friday night defending God and His holy word. I referred to the scripture in Romans 1:26-28 and then got bashed for using the Bible as a weapon and then was told by the person that is a Christian that the Bible was a book of errors written by men and their own historical point of views. Another person commented and said I was a disgrace to all men. 

Here is my stance!  There is no victory in a country that has gone away from God and his Holy word, a country that is relying on its own beliefs and then say they believe in God. You can't serve two masters. If you are Muslim, atheists or whatever believe in what you believe that's your choice.  Respect my beliefs also.  I don't push them on you and don't push yours on me.  If you have a question and need some help then I will gladly share my beliefs in my God.  Nobody will ever win in this world, when it comes to all people accepting one true belief. Only through Christ is there complete victory!

Nobody knows what will happen in the end.  That's why I live by faith and know and hope it all is true.  That is what faith is.  Everybody has a faith in something, if not you are just a walking zomby.  I don't judge what people decide in their lives.  Chrisitians hope that we can turn others away from their sin and make them a child of Jesus.  Yet, many Christians have used bigotry and hatred toward others and have condemned Gays for what they believe.  I don't I just want them to realize what they are doing to their souls by being gay.  We as Christians should not be hateful but loving.  I do apologize to the gay community for the hatred used by many of the right wing.  That's is not who I am and I will never use my Christianity for bashing.  The scripture I used is what I believe, yet my sin is just as disgraceful.also.  To God a sin is a sin.  He does not show favortism, but love. 

I do not believe in equal rights for gays though, because it is against what God stated in his holy word.  But, if you believe the Bible is not the inspired word of God then you might believe differently.  I have seen hatred on both sides of this agenda.  

I will not go in the direction though to say anything blaspheming against the word of God.  I believe God is right, and loving and nothing can separate us from Him. 


Anonymous said...

Amen! Keep standing up for your beliefs.

Matei said...

And what does the picture have to do with your article?