Saturday, December 17, 2011

I am on a rough road!

Sometimes being an adult really stinks! I guess I'll change that word sometimes to all the time it stinks. I really feel I am in this life all by myself. Something is absent in life when it comes to being an adult. I think what's missing is guidance and answers to the questions I have.
When your a child you have parents, grandparents and other people to give us answers to our questions. I really believe that's what is missing in my life. I need somebody to just listen to me. That certain friend or person to guide me through life as an adult. I'm lost right now, I just don't know my route in life.
I feel God is being silent to me right now and allowing me to make the decisions. I'm confused about a lot of things. I don't know why I am at this point in my life, but I am.
I'm just not happy! I should be, because I have everything I need. It's like Satan is making me this way. He's keeping me from being the happy and content person I usually am.
I don't enjoy my job, I'm just plain bored with it. There's no time for play just work and trying to sort out our debt.
I'm not around the right people, I need some very positive people in my life.
I spend most of my time with people at work and they aren't the most spiritual people. I need God right now to give me the answers.
I feel I have no right to complain at all because others are in worst shape than me.
I hope things get better soon. I'm ready for a change in everything in my life right now. I've always heard that those who wait on the Lord will truly be blessed. I guess that's where I stand at this moment. May God bless our lives as we bless the lives of others.

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