I just don't understand these disrespecting human beings. What is their goal for doing what they propose they are going to with a minor on these chat rooms on the Internet. I've seen almost all these and boil the whole time I watch them. But this one was different I was still insanely "BOILING" but I laugh because of such stupidity. To see their "deer in the headlight expressions" when Chris Hansen walks into the room, and they change their story completely.
Almost every pervert that walked in that room or on the beach were looking over their shoulder for somebody to roll them on the ground and arrest them, and most of them got it right. Act like an animal and eat the dirt like an animal.
What's the deal? Why do they do this? They have obviously seen or heard about the show and Perverted Justice that works with Dateline. They don't think of the massive damage they have caused their families and their career and their self respect. To be seen on national TV and their pervert mug plastered all over the tube. I hope they repent and change, but many don't it's a sick addiction and they have to play the game until an innocent victim is raped or killed. SICK, SICK, SICK, SICK people they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We can all judge them but in the Lord's eyes we all are just as guilty because a "Sin is a Sin" no matter what. One day we will all have the "Deer in the Headlight look" when God plays the role of Chris Hansen and judges us! Will we ramble around, sweat puddles and change our story????
Lets hope not!
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