34! There was no party this year, because I didn't want one. Shannon's mom asked if I wanted a cake. I said No. I didn't need one, it would just sit there and I would snack on it. My belly would continue to grow, and I don't need that.
I just wanted a peaceful birthday, no hoopla. I wasn't worried about presents or anybody not saying Happy Birthday. Just peace! I was happy to be alive to enjoy another year of my life. I was happy no matter what happened today.
I think after seeing my friend Al lying in the ICU it just made me think about life. Al died at 2 AM Tuesday morning peacefully. Everybody made it to his bedside just in time to say their good- byes and reflect on his adventurous life. I wasn't sure if I was going to go down to see him in the hospital I was just going to wait for the funeral. He was being cremated so I made the right decision that day t go see him.
I have never been near somebody so close to the end of their life. I saw him lifeless, but when I stared at him I remembered Al and the way he was.
He was like a New York Taxi, always on the move and making money for himself or for someone else. He was grateful for every day He had. He had done and been every where you can imagine. But the thing that made him happy was to be in the dirt gardening or telling people about how plants grow and how to grow them. He asked me one time if I enjoyed the plant business, I said yes very much. I looked up after that conversation and thought in my mind. This is my office, God's beautiful creation. Wide open and Awesome! Why would I want to be in an indoor office doing boring work that I care nothing about. I'm going to be back in that office one day, just not right now.
So I used today to look at my life and think about where God has led me. And where He is going to take me, and that is the fun of it all. We are all in God's dream, and he controls that dream. Making us better, stronger, faithful and happy if we let Him. If we are faithful to the end we shouldn't worry about where we will be after our final breath. Life in God is about true and strong faith, building it through studying His Word and practicing that Faith everyday.
There is a song that came out by a Christian group that everybody has to hear once in their life. It's titled "Come To Jesus." The Lyrics go like this:
Weak and wounded sinner
Lost and left to die.
O' raise your head, for love is passing by.
Come to Jesus
Come to Jesus and live!
Now your burden's lifted
And carried far away.
And precious blood has washed away the stain, so
Sing to Jesus
Sing to Jesus and live!
And like a newborn baby,
Don't be afraid to crawl.
And remember when you walk sometimes we fall.
So fall on Jesus
Fall on Jesus and live!
Sometimes the way is lonely,
And steep and filled with pain.
So if your sky is dark and pours the rain, then
Cry to Jesus.
Cry to Jesus and live!
And when the love spills over,
And music fills the night.
And when you can't contain your joy inside, then
Dance with Jesus.
Dance with Jesus and live!
And with your final heartbeat kiss the world goodbye.
Then go in peace, and laugh on Glory's side.
And fly to Jesus.
Fly to Jesus and Live!
Words that have rung close to my heart after I heard this song. Go to Jesus for every matter in your life remain faithful and be thankful for everything he has blessed you with. Then in the end at your final heartbeat we can all Fly to Jesus and live!
Have a good week! And Al I will miss you very much and thank you for your knowledge and goodness in life. Clint