I believe every day we all try to think about our life. How others feel about us. How we can make our mark in this life. How we fit in this world and how we got here. I think about my life a lot. Sometimes I wonder what people think of me. I don't think a lot about what people think of me. Sometimes I just really don't care. I believe it is my life and I will lead it to the best of my ability or however God wants to lead it.
Many who read this don't know me or don't have a clue who I am. I thought I would share some things with you so when I write you don't think I am a hypocrite or some kind of nut. :)
I believe in learning something new every day. Doesn't matter what. Just anything. I believe in moving forward and not falling behind. Even though a lot of times I am falling behind.
I have failed at many things, but I have never quit anything. Even though I have thought about quiting a lot of things, but I just hung in there no matter what.
I have high expectations in myself and others and in a world that lacks those high expectations. So sometimes I can really be rough around the edges about certain things I write about. A lot of times I can be very soft in my writing about things it just depends on my mood. And then sometimes I can write in anger about things. If you are consistent reader you probably know that. I have gone off on subjects that have really urked me. I guess it's those high expectations I have.
Over the past few years I have really found out who God really is. He is not a record keeper of my wrong doings, but a God of great love yet a God of judgement though. I have complained about where I live and have said some rude things about my town. But life can't always be perfect! I am still adapting.
I am a person who has become very grateful for every day. I love my wife and my three children very much. I couldn't live without them. Even though they can be way over dramatic sometimes.
I used to a very sinful person in years past. Living for the moment and not really giving any thought to my Christian life. All I thought about was myself. I know better now.
I really love to defend the under dog. I don't like rich people who hoard their money. I believe the person who has little is much better off than those who have a lot. I read a book who says to always become better than you were raised. Not me I will always be blue collar and I will always defend the blue collar people. Those are the people I was raised around and those are the people I will always stand by.
I love everybody I come in contact with in my life and that will never change. If they don't like me or think I am an idiot I don't care. I will still love them because God loves them. Rich, poor, black, white or Hispanic they are still people. Even if they have a handicap license plate and drive slow in front of me I will honk my horn and not be mad too long. :)
I am a forgiving person. If you make me mad or offend me I won't hate that person or hold any bitter feelings. I'm sure I have done the same thing to someone else before. My temper only lasts about five minutes and then its over.
I don't plan anything for the next day. I just see what it brings to me. Why plan when interruptions happen all the time. Or your wife will always change your plans. She likes to plan a month ahead of time. I don't!
I am very good sleeper. No problems at all. I don't worry about anything. But I do feel bad for those who can't sleep, I really want to help them with that. It's so easy to go to sleep. I don't understand why people have trouble with it.
I don't understand why people want to do the evil they do. I just want to have a conversation with them, and ask them why they do what they do. Osama bin laden. I just want to talk to the guy and see if I could get through to him.
I don't tolerate arrogant people. I'm going to write a book about our arrogance. It is definitely a problem with many of us Americans. Read Finding Calcutta and you will get a real good lesson about humbleness.
I know the Bible says not to love the world or anything in it, but I love a lot about this world. But I will be ready to meet God one day. I have some pain and weird things that I feel and go through almost every day. I try to figure out why? But I believe God gives me things for some reason. When my back is in great pain or I have back spasms. I realize that there will be a place of great healing. Where the pain that you and I go through will not be anymore. Every pain makes me think of Heaven and its pain free, worry free and tearless policy. How great will that be?
I am thankful for who I am. God has blessed me in many great ways. I may be in debt and not perfect but I am warrior for the Great Almighty. In Him I will stand forever. Will you stand with me?