" The sufferings we have now are nothing compared to the great glory that will be shown to us." Romans 8: 18
I know there are many people in this world like this guy in the picture. Many are just to the point of just giving up. They just don't know what direction to go in right now. They thought their job was secure, and "BOOM" their jobs were gone. I feel no security anymore in the job market. The past three or four have been rough. But I suffered for a little while and prayed a lot and remained faithful till God opened a door for me.
Everybody wants to know what the answer is, and if I could talk to every person in the world right now I would tell them to pray, be faithful, truly believe in God our creator and don't use Him as a scapegoat. Truly believe He is the answer and when He answers don't run away from Him and forget Him, remain in Him always. But we can't talk to the whole world at one time or any other time. Many would think I am crazy, for suggesting to speak to an invisible God. Like that works, Uh...... it did for me!!!!!!
I am reading a book titled "The Reason For God." Great book! I am reading it for the second time because I just couldn't capture everything this guy says. The author interviewed a few New Yorkers about their belief in God. Many said they couldn't believe in a God that allowed suffering in His world. They obviously have never read the Bible, it has a lot of suffering in it. Especially the Crucifixion of Christ. Suffering for God is our reward for loving God and His Son. Suffering builds character. It increases our faith and makes us stronger. It draws us closer to God in prayer and faith in Him. I believe I finally found my reason for loving a higher power in my times of suffering. I was in a rut and couldn't find my path to follow. So I gave it to God and he had been taking care of me the whole time. I knew He was, Satan just clouded that view of God from me. I'm sure there will be more suffering in my life in the near future. But I will be prepared for it. He will build me up for my future sufferings and he will be right there in the middle of it all.
So if you have just lost your job and are just clueless in what you are supposed to do, get on your knees and give it all to God in prayer. Cry if you have to, there is no shame in crying over your problems. Get it all out and step back up to the plate and take your swings at the world. Not every pitch is going to be a home run, but at least your beating the world down with every swing. Get out there and do something and show Satan you won't allow him to win you over. We are the children of God we can't lose. We are Sons and Daughters of the Most High, what can man do to us.
I was in a very down and hopeless mood the other day after all that has happened this past week. I drove around for a few minutes and put in a CD by Wayburn Dean titled "Immeasurable." Did it hit at the right time, tears came to my eyes and I just felt the love of God wrapped around me. The words to some of his songs are put just right. I thought about God's goodness in my life how good it is to be a child of The Most High. Then two days later I was back in that rotten mood. The past two days at work were just horrible and I was getting worked up about the whole situation. I asked God to deliver me from this stress. I don't get stressed really about anything. When it happens, I go overboard and get very upset at people. But he released me by allowing to not to care about it so much. I thought why am I worrying so much about something so stupid, if it doesn't get done somebody else can do it. I am a child of God, what can man do to me. Boast in God, and remember he will do whatever for us.
Our world's financial and job loss situations can only be solved by us taking up our cross and giving it all to Him. Be faithful through your suffering and consider it an award from God and remain in His love. Then you can do all things through Him.
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