I often am guilty of taking the death of Christ to lightly. We believe it happened and that He suffered great pain through the beatings and the nails. I remember watching the movie 'The Passion Of Christ," and it really brought me to tears. Someone had finally shown the reality of his death and a realistic view of the pain He had gone through. There is no way any man can bare the pain that Christ bore for us all. He literally went through Hell pain wise. Yet we still miss an important fact of His Crucifixion.
When we read the verse in the Bible where He screams "My God why have you forsaken me?" We really don't give a whole lot of thought to the depth of despair He felt when He was forsaken out of the bosom of the Holy Trinity. The perfect circle was broken. Christ felt a lonesome pain that man has never known. A feeling that none of us could ever bare. Christ was left by His Father. He was forsaken by the Creator of the world. His world became dark and alone. God turned His back on his Son and left him. Christ went to hell for us, to bare all our sins that we may be saved from death. Do we ever stop and think about what it would be like to be denied or left by our God? For he is the one that holds our lives together. I believe we would have a complete loss of life. No meaning to be living. An emptiness that we couldn't bare. Some will feel that pain one day as they enter hell and are cut off from the vine of the Living God.
I now understand why many say Christ had a broken heart. To have God turn His back on you and be that alone would completely devastate us all. Christ bore so much on His cross that we will never ever comprehend what really went on between heaven and hell. What we do know is that he did it for us. We didn't deserve such great love like that. Some Christians give up something tempting during the days of lent, like smoking or sweets. I think that is mocking the cross of Christ. I think that is weak minded and foolish. I believe we need to give up a lot more than that. I believe we all (including myself) need to really stop and focus on our sins and try to be the best possible people we can be. We have all taken the Cross of Christ way to lightly. We need to understand the price that Christ paid for us all to be free from sin and the price of His love.
It's time we all get it together and really love Jesus, and stop making excuses for not loving Him.
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