Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Boring Routine Of Life!

I get tired of the same routine all the time, it just gets me down some times.  I think about how boring I have lived my life, I feel there is so much to do and so much to see and try to accomplish, yet I have allowed life to rule my life.   As we live life we see people doing great things and see how exciting their life is.  Going to places all over the world and doing things that are fun and just enjoying themselves.  I have heard some really interesting stories about people who have accomplished great things through just a little hard work or with just a simple vision and they went forward and succeeded. 

I don't believe God put us here to be just plain and boring routined people.  He gives us ideas all day long but fear makes us put these visions aside and places us in these boring routines.  We don't truly do what we were made for, most of us are just boring people who do nothing but keep to the mundane routine of life.  Well I am one of those people also, I have so much adventure and ideas in me, yet I don't act on them.  We never know what we could accomplish in this life if we could just let go of our fear and just do it.

I read of the apostles adventures in preaching the gospel and I see no fear in them. They were told one simple commandment to go to all nations and preach the word of God and they did it.  I could say that they did it because they actually saw the Lord and were with him and had great visions put forth by him. But I don't think that is all they needed to accomplish his work, they were a devoted group who knew what lie before them after all their hard work was done. They knew that they would have a place in heaven and knew they would face all kinds of opposition in their work, but they did it. 

Fear stinks! It is our greatest enemy and is produced by the greatest of enemies "Satan!" He will do anything to make our lives boring and routine. He will do his best to keep us from being what God wants us to be and that  to be great and adventurous in this life.  I have great ideas to get his work accomplished and help those who are in need both spiritually and physically but I fear of the opposition I would face and the lack of workers to do the work.  I have always had a dream to write a great book and watch it soar through the hearts of many and change their lives, but Satan keeps me from it by not allowing to be adventurous and willing to actually sit down long enough to complete it.

I want to find a great person in life who has accomplished many great things and find out what gave them courage and motivation to accomplish  things in this world. I'm a person who loves to be around positive and inspirational people but I seem to always be surrounded by people who would rather sit on their rump and go to the same boring job and collect their paycheck.  I don't want to be around that kind of company anymore. I want to be around people with great ideas and a mind full of great adventures.  They are the ones I aspire to be, I need that kind of motivation. 

My friend Al was one of those people who had great stories to tell about his life.  I paid close attention when he told about them, it was a life full of adventure and it was all spontaneous.  He just went with the wind and that is how he went out of life also.  We need to be a people who don't follow the world but be a people the world follows.  If we put forth all our abilities into our dreams and talents so much could be accomplished in this world.  But for some reason we don't and things don't get done.  Let's accomplish and take the risks needed to make great things happen.  I'm gonna write that book soon, God needs to put the words into my head now! I'm ready to do it!

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