Wednesday, September 29, 2010

God's Intended Path We Continually Miss Every Day!

This day has brought a hope of many possibilities to maybe happen to me. None of which have happened yet, but if I am patient enough they
might. God gave me a passion for life that I can do all things through him, that is great!

But what are "the all things through him" that I am to do? That's a hard question to answer. We are reared as children to go to school and do well. To act right in certain places and around certain people. It's like a system of prison rules,sometimes! If you really think about it we have been ruled and raised by societies rules. Not really Gods intended path for us. Yes, God wants us to be kind and well behaved people, but not people who feel we should be judged by people of this society by the way we act.  We're all going to act badly sometimes, but for somebody to look down on anybody because of certain mistakes is just not right. 

It's amazing to me that Jesus never went to college to be a biblical scholar, but if you don't have that piece of paper in your Hands that gives you credit for proof of being a biblical scholar then nobody is really going to listen to you. That's not Gods intended path!

I believe we have a different idea of the phrase "intended path" than what God had intended! My life and ideas have drastically changed over the past few years. I have been trying to find the real meaning of Gods story, and  I think I have found it. I don't want to be a Pharisee any more. I don't want to miss out on the big picture that God has been holding up for many years now. Many men have missed it. Opportunities have been missed because we put to much red tape into it. To much red tape in front of just giving a cup of water to a homeless person. We judge to much over the most simplest tasks.

As I got in my truck tonight after work I saw an opportunity missed, but I saw who God wanted me to serve. Those hopes of opportunities left me as I watched a young kid push his crippled mother across the parking lot! They looked like they needed something I just didn't know what it was though. It was something that God had intended for his path to righteousness. I got it real quick! 

As we get ready to elect some new officials in the next 30 some days, we are all getting up tight about it.  We waste so much time on who's right and who's wrong in the realm of politics.  I think it is completely worthless and many would disagree with me on that.  I used to get into politics and would rant and rave about who's  screwing up things in Washington and why people would elect them.  As life went on and people were elected I just lost all intrest in all the trash talking and how nothing will ever be resolved to any problems in the world through government. 

Now life in Christ is more imporatant to me now and this worlds view of life  is pointless.  I want to be in heaven one day and see the intended world God has planned for us all.  I've seen some people lately that God has intended for his realm of holiness.  He has set before me people who need help more than those of us who have all the things we need.  All three people I have seen at work for some reason, one guy was mentally challenged and had no ability to do anything for himself, he is here for a reason.  That reason was to show people like you and I that God wants us to help people like him. The kingdom is his! 

As I walked out the door of work I was walking behind a lady who was severely crippled yet walking.  The way she walked just put pain in my legs by thinking about how it would feel to walk like that.  I thought how hard life has been for this lady.  Not only by having to walk like she does, but the remarks many have made toward her growing up and those who continue to laugh at her right now.  The kingdom is hers!     

There is a time for everything, and now is the time to live by faith and start rescuing those who are considered to be weak by the worlds standards.  The world takes those who are crippled, homeless, mentally challenged and diseased and puts them into their own category in life.  "Just stay back and the strong will make the world move, but we don't need you here on the field just stay on the sidelines and watch."  The sidelines are a place for the forgotten and nobody really cares or thinks about them there.  It's our shame to be like that.  For the kingdom is theirs! 

Will it be ours or are we to busy here to make a life for ourselves?  A life we will lose one day and never see again.  It's time we take the worlds BS out of our lives and go to the sidelines and make it the place to be.  This is a lesson for me and all who want to share the kingdom of God with those mentioned above.  The meaning of life is not to prosper ourselves, but to help those who can't, to prosper!

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