Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Grace Tells Another Story!

I often wonder why we humans make the story of God so difficult.  Through the years of growing up we were always told to not do this and not do that or we are going to hell.  Preachers I have heard over the years seem to not get the story of God's grace.  Churches made rules that today don't make any sense to me anymore. Most rules were for our own good and I am thankful I didn't go those other evil routes. But then there are rules that were created it seems to me out of fear.

Like musical instruments in worship, where did that one come from?  I prefer the A Capella style of singing but the condemnation I always heard about it to me is just craziness. 

I know Christians are to be good hearted people and we need to try to be our best so that we can be an example to those around us. But I just can't be perfect! Nobody can! There are some people who think they are perfect and will never admit they stink of sin as bad a I do.  

Our judgement toward others is another thing that is really important to God. I never heard this preached until recently, it seemed if someone caused a sin we Christians were the first to bash the person that fell off the perfection wagon.  I always saw others treated better outside the church than they were treated by others inside the church building walls.  The church should be the first to rescue that person. Sometimes that doesn't always occur because we don't want to be seen by other Christians and sour our reputation by being around that person. This type of behavior is just as sinful as the other persons sin.

God's grace tells another story!  When Jesus came he wasn't quite what people expected. He was not dressed in beautiful robes nor was he born in the King's palace. If he had been he would not have been our Savior, because the king wanted his competition dead.  Jesus hung with the rough and despised crowd, the sinners.  It was his goal to save the lost and this was where they hung out.  Jesus is the story of grace. He is the complete story of our Father's grace.

While others scoffed at his teachings and his magical powers of healing little did they know that they were laughing and judging the creator of the most precious story ever told. Christ is the author of Grace!

Our minds are almost too puny to be able to handle such a story, because Satan has led us astray and told us a different story. A story we continue to follow, one that leads us to follow rules and slander those who don't follow those rules. We are a race of complete idiots led astray by another idiot, Satan!  

It's hard for us to go in the direction of grace and mercy when we are being tempted to follow another way. Satan is the one causing us to tear our world apart. He started with the first woman with a tiny fruit from a tree that was forbidden.  God told them they would surely die if they ate from that tree.  They didn't die, they just died spiritually. They were intended to be immortal in the garden and walk and live with God there. But that all changed the day when Satan came and guided them to another story. From that point on our world and our lives became broken forever.  Then God rewrote the story and gave us a chance to see him at his best. Grace tells another story!

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