Monday, May 02, 2011

Bin Laden!

I have read many status updates about Bin Laden's death and how Americans are reacting to it. Some have said he got the easy way out and others said we should've brought him here to the states and drug him in the street. In a way I feel the same, but I saw something more gruesome on TV this morning. I saw real Jewish survivors talking about the Holocaust and the suffering they and others went through. The videos they showed were awful and just inhumane and ungodly. 

Those who died in the 9/11 attacks suffered also and the pain they went through is gruesome. I can't even imagine what went through their minds in those moments.  I put Osama high in the ranks of Hitler.  What he did was unimaginable, to fly two planes into the worlds highest buildings and crash one into the pentagon and one in a field in Pennsylvania. Repulsive!

Even though the world has seen it's devastation of it's people over the years I still don't want to be apart of any monstrosity like theirs by dragging a villain like Bin Laden in the street.  The U.S. I feel handled this situation in a humane Christian manner. If we stooped to his level of evil then our citizens would be exposing ourselves to more fear of attacks.

Today we showed the world that we don't take loss of life of our own people lightly yet we dispose of  evil people in a manner that doesn't make us look just as villainous as they were.  God bless our world and it's anger toward one another. Let us see that it is the way of Satan that makes our world dark and it's not you who causes evil. I believe you our the true judge of the world and that you will bring justice on all who cause great evil and it is through your great mercy that you allow us to come to terms on our own and admit ours sins. We know your arms are open to all who believe in you and repent and confess our sins. Amen!

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