Monday, October 24, 2011

Many people have said don't live in the past, but live for the future. I don't agree with either one of those beliefs. I don't live in the future because I can only live for the present, and I do live in the past.

We can't really live for the future because we don't know what the future holds. Today might be our last and final day. So we can do our best to plan for the future, but we can only hope the future holds true to what we have planned. It usually doesn't.

I read a book that stated we need to live for our eternal future. The only real hope of a future we know we have. To plan every day by doing the will of God and plan for a very bright and rewarding eternal future. Heaven is our true future and our true home.

I can honestly say I don't like the present life. It's too fast paced and has lost what the past has always tried to tell us. The past is such a sweeter time for most of us. There are great memories that have long been forgotten and people that blessed our lives in so many ways. Most of those good people are gone and I miss a lot of good people that have passed onto the other side. I have so many memories of great people who blessed my life that I often get very sad when I think about them no longer living in this life.

It's always good to visit the great memories of your past. I always do everyday. My life might not be what it is today if I didn't have so many different people that helped shape my life. I know my life would be very different if I didn't have those great Christian people in my past.

There are so many good things in this present life that I am glad we have. I love the Iphone, it's so nice to have such capabilty in the palm of your hand. Yet, the Iphone has destroyed interaction between people. Instead of seeing people interact with one another, I always see people looking at their cell phones instead and acting like they're busy as a bee on it. I want to say look up and see the beauty that God has placed before you. Talk to those around you and see what they are all about. I am on my iPhone a lot but not enough to ignore the present day in front of me.

It's perfectly alright to look to the past and cherish those great moments God blessed us with. Many have learned from past events or have thought of those great moments and finally smiled for the first time in months. Planning for the future is alright also, but we have no control of the outcomes life will bring. The present is the only reality we have. As each minute passes make life great. Get your head out of the iPhone and take time to pray or talk to somebody around you. Get out and do something great for someone in need. You can't prepare for eternity through a hand held device. Last we need to live for our eternal home. There is so much good we can be doing to further the kingdom God. Let us not be idle in giving the true light of Jesus to others.

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