Thursday, April 05, 2012

Living on the outside!

Outside the window many things are going on. Bugs are moving, birds are nesting and chirping. Leaves are swaying in the wind and everything is growing because of God's hand.

Outside the windows of the church many things are going on also. People are hurting, not believing, starving and homeless. Yet inside the building people are singing, praying and rejoicing. Nobody outside hears what's going on inside the building. After we leave the building most of us keep it secret about what great things just happened inside. Sometimes we feel that inside the building is the only place God ever shows up. That outside the windows he's not there.
God is everywhere! He was inside the building hearing all that was going on but was at the door waiting for us to get busy outside the building.

There is more to life than just going to the building and looking out the windows. We are the building, the true temples of God. We are his hands, feet and voice. Just like a car is our vehicle to get around, we are God's vehicle to get him around all over the world.

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