Sunday, December 08, 2013

To Us A Child of Hope is Born

A child being born in our world today and in the past has always had a parent or parents dream about their child's future.  There is a word involved called hope.  They hope their child is this or hope their child is healthy or hope their child becomes President one day.  A lot times the parents hope for their child doesn't come true. The child usually fills their own hopes with their desired dreams.

Yet only one child fulfilled their Father's hope.  He knew the path he must travel and lead his people back to the love of his father.  He was a king born in a stable.  A child of great hope that led a normal childhood and became a leader of the lost. 

He knew all that would happen in his short glorious life.  He knew who would betray him. He knew who touched the hem of his garment to be healed he also knew of his painful death at the end.  God became a man and would come to save the lost. 

Jesus came to turn the world upside down with his radical teachings.  He would stun the world with his miracles of healing and most of all with his love.  No child has ever come into this world with so much hope to fulfill than Jesus did.  He did it exactly the way his father planned it. He was born humble and he died humble. To Us a child of Hope is Born! Amazing!

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Wednesday, December 04, 2013

He never complained about the manger!

When we look around today at our surroundings we should have no reason to complain.  Our world is so much easier than it was for those who lived in the past.  We were driving to Branson, Missouri this weekend and I looked at the road and the the things surrounding it.  I thought about the man power it took years ago to clear the path for this highway.  All the dangerous blasting it took to get through the hills and mountains to lay a piece of road to make life more convenient for us.

There are jobs out there still that require a lot of labor but machines help also to take away that intensity.  Our lives are so much easier than in the past.  Years ago I would have had to write this blog with a typewriter and then give it to people to read but now it's one click and it can be all over the world in two seconds.

There are times I wished lived in the past for other reasons, yet I like living in a more simple world.  Jesus' world wasn't simple then. When you read the Bible stories and see they are in one city and then the next chapter they're somewhere else.  It took days for them to get to different cities, miles of walking and the heat is bad in that neck of the woods.  I like our world a lot better.

So I often think of how humble the birth of Jesus was.  God knew he could create a sanitary hospital in two seconds to allow his child to born in. Somehow that wasn't in his plans, he wanted his son to come with no pomp and circumstance.  God is not an invader in our lives, he comes only when we finally surrender our heart to him.  When I think of his birth I often feel sad because only to shepherd s came to see him. No one else came to see the savior of the world.  Jesus fulfilled the scripture in Mark 9:35 "Anyone who wants to be first must be last, and the servant of all." Jesus proved to live this verse throughout his short life here on Earth.

He came in a humble way and left in a humble way. Jesus is an amazing person, we never heard him once complain about anything. Not even being born in an uncomfortable wooden manger. His cross was more uncomfortable than his crib, yet he never voiced any negativity about it either.

Be proud you know Jesus and be his example every day, and don't complain  about anything. He never did so why should we.

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Tuesday, December 03, 2013

One Cold Christmas Morning.

When I was 12 years old I had a paper route, and I hated it.  I had to walk up steep hills and throw the paper as far as I could to hit the right spot by the door.  My Dad helped me deliver Saturday and Sundays papers every weekend. It became a nuisance after a year, so I held onto it for a total of two years and then passed it on to someone else.

The worst part  about the paper route was delivering the morning Christmas paper.  I just didn't what to get up at the crack of dawn to deliver a piece of paper that no one would read until after all the presents were unwrapped. It was just pointless!

My last year of my route I remember that freezing Christmas morning for some odd reason.  I was actually enjoying that peaceful Christmas morning.  A thought ran through my mind about the birth of Christ. Something I'll never forget.  I listened to the peace around me and thought is it possible that this date might actually be the day of his birth?  That's really the only thing I thought about, it's not a deep one but it actually brought peace to my heart to think about it.

We have no idea of the actual date of his birth but ever since that cold Christmas morning I think about Jesus and his birth every year.  I'm past the point in my life where presents are the only thing that matters, I think of Jesus and how blessed I am to always be surrounded by family that love him as much as I do on Christmas morning.

As you get up Christmas morning stop for a little bit and think of the most humble birth in the history of the human race. Don't let anyone stop you from remembering your saviors birth because of legalistic reasons.  Your heart in Christ is more important to God than anything else. Remember the reason for the season. Bring joy to your heart by giving to others and remembering your own personal relationship with Jesus.

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Monday, December 02, 2013

Wise Men Still Seek Him.

In our world you're considered wise if you get a degree of some kind. You're really cherished if you capture a Masters degree or a PhD.  Your pay will increase as you graduate with such things and you will be esteemed by your family and colleagues. 

Life seems to be somewhat satisfying and you feel you have accomplished something, yet if your spiritual life is not right then these things will make you feel empty.

I love this phrase in the photo above. "Wise men still seek him." God cares about things you accomplish in this life but nothing is more wiser to him than seeking his Son. 

In God's eyes you are wise when you give your heart to his loving son Jesus. I often wonder why our world puts more pride in worthless things than in eternal things. 

A lot of people have trouble with the story of Jesus. It's hard to believe in a Virgin that had a heavenly seed placed in her. It's something most people can't grasp. In the times before Jesus arrived it was foretold that a king or savior would be born in Bethlehem. They thought he would arrive in a majestic way, but he came in a humble way that no one ever expected. 

I'm humbled by the way Jesus came into this world. Arriving in an animal stable is probably not the most sanitary of situations, but that is how God planned it.  Our God is humble in every way, he accepts all who come to him by accepting his  son. Our God promises us eternal life if you accept Jesus and live by faith throughout your life. If you just do this you'll be considered wise in the eyes of our creator forever.  Only wise men seek him. Be wise!

Sunday, December 01, 2013

Reaching For The Savior!

I like December for many reasons, but we've taken the reason of the season to more greedy level.  I was raised for some odd reason to not remember Jesus during Christmas, I was told it was not biblical to do so.  Somehow that got misconstrued by Satan.  If December 25th is not mentioned in the Bible then we don't celebrate it as Christ's birthday.  Well we don't know if it's his real birth date or not, but it's a day we make special mention of him.  It's the Christians day to stop and think about Christ's humble entry into our world physically.

It's a day to stop and see the beginning of the greatest story ever told in our world. We all know Jesus didn't come to get the lowest or best price on a flat screen television at Wal-Mart.  He came not to make sure Billy got the new Xbox one either.  He came because he loved us and he saw the world couldn't take away our own sin.  He came not decked out in the glorious robes of kings, but he was birthed in a humble way.

The next 25 days I want you and I to discover the true love of Jesus Christ through this blog.  I want Jesus to be praised through our learning about him. Follow me as I try to learn about Jesus intimately through seeing through his eyes. Let's reach out for the savior.

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