Wednesday, December 04, 2013

He never complained about the manger!

When we look around today at our surroundings we should have no reason to complain.  Our world is so much easier than it was for those who lived in the past.  We were driving to Branson, Missouri this weekend and I looked at the road and the the things surrounding it.  I thought about the man power it took years ago to clear the path for this highway.  All the dangerous blasting it took to get through the hills and mountains to lay a piece of road to make life more convenient for us.

There are jobs out there still that require a lot of labor but machines help also to take away that intensity.  Our lives are so much easier than in the past.  Years ago I would have had to write this blog with a typewriter and then give it to people to read but now it's one click and it can be all over the world in two seconds.

There are times I wished lived in the past for other reasons, yet I like living in a more simple world.  Jesus' world wasn't simple then. When you read the Bible stories and see they are in one city and then the next chapter they're somewhere else.  It took days for them to get to different cities, miles of walking and the heat is bad in that neck of the woods.  I like our world a lot better.

So I often think of how humble the birth of Jesus was.  God knew he could create a sanitary hospital in two seconds to allow his child to born in. Somehow that wasn't in his plans, he wanted his son to come with no pomp and circumstance.  God is not an invader in our lives, he comes only when we finally surrender our heart to him.  When I think of his birth I often feel sad because only to shepherd s came to see him. No one else came to see the savior of the world.  Jesus fulfilled the scripture in Mark 9:35 "Anyone who wants to be first must be last, and the servant of all." Jesus proved to live this verse throughout his short life here on Earth.

He came in a humble way and left in a humble way. Jesus is an amazing person, we never heard him once complain about anything. Not even being born in an uncomfortable wooden manger. His cross was more uncomfortable than his crib, yet he never voiced any negativity about it either.

Be proud you know Jesus and be his example every day, and don't complain  about anything. He never did so why should we.

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