Sunday, February 25, 2007
A Powerful Movie!

Saturday, February 24, 2007
An Apology For Slavery!

Thursday, February 22, 2007
Mark Martin Museum

Sunday, February 18, 2007
Macy being Macy again!

Reflecting Your Heart to others.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
My Wonderful Valentine!

Monday, February 12, 2007
Don't We All Need A Smile?

Saturday, February 10, 2007
The Anna Nicole Soap Opera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 05, 2007
The Singer Underwater Bathrooms :(

So innocent looking aren't they? Both of them are always thinking of some big plan. Allow me to give a brief description of both. The male suspect goes by the name "Brayden." We here at the Singer task force call him the "Mastermind and the Instigator." The female suspect goes by the name "Macy." We have a list of names for her: "The slickster, The Aggravater, The Noise Maker, The Food Pantry Mouse, Paula JR. and The Plan fulfiller. At least that was her role in tonight's crime, that got The Mastermind in the grounded jail for three days.
Their crimes: Flooding Bathrooms!!!!!!!
About six months ago Macy discovered at age 3 she could use her little feet and use the designed ridges on the cabinet doors of her sink in her bathroom to climb up on the counter and turn the water on. It didn't seem like anything to get to upset about. Until, she discovered her ability to push the drain stopper down and plug up the sink. She came running to me one day and said there was something wrong in her bathroom. I just thought it was about her toilet would not stop running. So I didn't rush to see what she was talking about. But she kept pulling me to go see what was wrong. So I got up, and as I got closer I could hear water running. She plug the sink,and water covered the entire bathroom floor and everything was soaked. So she quickly learned her lesson and I freaked out by grabbing every towel in the bathroom to clean it up. Never had that problem again.
So tonight I was giving Cayden his bath and walked out and heard water running again. I thought I had left the water running in the bath tub after his bath. I went back to Braydens room and low and behold the sink was plugged up water flowing over the edges with Batman and Robin floating in the middle of the sink like they had been captured by the Joker and were left there to drown. This was bad, REAL BAD! The water had been running at least 20 to 30 minutes. With baby in hand I went to the kitchen and asked who plugged up Braydens sink. Trying to take names for the investigation I forgot to turn off the water. So me and Shannon went back there to clean it up. We used every towel we owned in the house. Even hand towels and wash rags. We used at least 30 towels to soak it up. His closet and bathroom floor had a rough estimate of an inch of water. Underneath the cabinet was dripping with water all his drawers had at least 2 inches of water in them. So me and Shannon are cleaning up not cold water but hot water with fever and strep throat. UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I grounded Brayden for three days after he confessed. His plea was, he was playing in the water with his Batman and Shannon had called him to eat dinner. I asked why he didn't turn off the water. He said "I told Macy to watch it." What a pair! I love them to much to get mad at them. But I love them even more not to discipline them. So that makes 2 for 2 for plugging the sink. Tomorrow the drain plugs are removed off every sink in the house. They can have them back when they are 18. May God bless every moment we have with our children whether good or bad. I love you Brayden, Macy and Cayden forever.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
XLI :(
Saturday, February 03, 2007

Thursday, February 01, 2007