I have been watching this fiasco the past two days on the news. I would have to say what a mess. I never cared for her much at all, but it is sad about her death and her recent death of her son. It will be really sad if both death are because of foul play. This is a fine example why you don't push your kids to be in TV or the movies. It is a disastrous lifestyle to be in.
We saw an interview she did not too long ago and she looked so awful, I told Shannon she is in a downward spiral and almost at the bottom. Well I guess I was right!
I feel for the little baby involved in this mess. None of those who claim to be the father care anything for that little girl. They just want the $475 million jackpot that comes with the title of father. I was shocked and sickened when the husband of the green acres woman (I don't know how to spell her name) Prince whatever comes out and says he might be the father. WHAT? All I can say he looked so stupid in that interview, what TRASH! I thought tonight while I was watching this unfold on the news and all the things they were saying. It just made me think "How can God tolerate us?" I don't know how he has the patience for us human beings.
I think about the things that occur outside of this fish tank I live in. I see how things work in my world, but i think about the things others are doing in secret. I've heard things in the news and can't believe the perverse things people are doing. The lives they lead, how they can think of doing such things. The most recent thing I heard the other night happened in Little Rock. The boyfriend of this 2 year old child's grandmother super glued the kids eyes shut. His face is scarred from the acetone they put on his face to get it off. I got so mad I wanted the dude's address! That is one of the most disgusting things I have heard in a long time. The poor child, my heart goes out to him and his parents who took him to his grandmothers house so she could babysit him.
So I know that this Anna Nicole thing is going to get worse. She let herself get into this mess and now it plays out without her not even knowing anything about it.
Live a good life in Christ, don't get messed up with the wrong people and be weary about who you let into your fishbowl, because the water could get dirty real quick and you might be floating upside down in the morning.
Prayer for today: Father protect those who call upon you and cast your angels on us for protection in an Evil, Evil World. May God be praised forever and ever!
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