Paris Hilton is to me like having the worst flu bug, she makes me throw up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A spoiled brat! Smiling like she's arriving to her sweet 16 party. How many people who are released from jail everyday have 200 photographers flashing there idiotic cameras at them. Guess what Paris they didn't care one bit about you they just wanted the half million they will receive for your mug!
Do we really care about all this mess the celebrities get into. I don't! They do it just to promote their career. It's the same reason they get divorced 10 times.That glamorous celebrity that they hook up with is just a part of their resume.
My children will not look up to people like this they are horrible role models for any person of any age.
I read an article about teen star Lindsey Lohann. Teen girls and younger use her as a role model, if they were smart they should roll away from that mess as fast as they can. Recently her former bodyguard came out to tell about this little queen. She would threaten him to take her to her local drug dealer and get her drugs, and then she beat up the dealer for some stupid reason. The parties he guarded her at where she used every drug you can imagine. He said he had to carry her out of every party she was at. She was beating up people at the parties because they were staring at her wrong. Great role model for teen girls! What a messy world we live in, to think as I type this there are evil things going on that most of us would be horrified to hear about.
You know how you feel when you hear of things that are going on in this world, and we just hear about it and never see it. Can you imagine how The Living God feels when He sees it all taking place. Don't you think he just wants to wipe us all off the earth again. Or does he feel compassion for us and wants to put all his wrath into Satan himself? I don't know what God thinks, but I know his promise through his son Jesus that we are free from the guilt of sin.
Romans 2:6 - 8 God "will give to each person according to what he has done." To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immorality, he will give eternal life. But for those who are self - seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger.
I think that scripture just cleared up my previous question don't you ?
Oh, Paris. What are we going to do with you? You won't be a role model in this family will you? Again pray for every person on this earth including ourselves for we are all in the same boat of sin just not all of us are sinking our ship yet! And remember everybody can be saved if they are willing to do it. Even Paris and Lindsay : ) Thank You God for your great mercy and compassion.