Sunday, June 20, 2010

4 Fathers; Two Grandfathers, One Paternal & One Heavenly


I really have a lot to be thankful  for when it comes to great examples of fathers. I can't be any luckier than to have the father that I do. When other father's are out hanging out with their buddies playing golf or heading to the bars or the horse track. Mine was taking care of his family and loving his wife. My Dad took care of his family better than any other I know of. He traveled almost 200 plus miles a day to a small town in Ohio to go to work to feed his family and pay two tuition's to 2 private Christian schools.

When the weather was bad he and his co-worker were traveling the snow covered roads of interstate 70 to get to work. I thought traveling to Little Rock was bad for five years, there is no way I could've traveled that far for almost 20 + years. But he did, and I am grateful for it.

I try to be just like him with his care free world of no worries, and I do until it comes to finances and then I don't even come close. I am thankful for my father and for his love of his family and Christian faith to always stay in the game no matter how far life pull can pull you down. He would be a great coach for the Pittsburgh Pirates. Even though they have had 19 years of losing my dad would see some way of coming back to win. Thanks Dad for your example of life and for being "The worlds #1 DAD."

I had two grandfathers that were great examples of humbleness. One I was very close with and the other I knew well. I don't mention him much because I just never saw him that much, but I see his example through my own Dad. William Singer was his name I knew him as "Papap." I wish I could say alot about him but I didn't know much about him. We would visit him at least once a week and he would give me and Paula a jar of coins he had collected for us and he would ask us what we had been doing and he and Dad would talk about different stuff.

I remember the smell of the house to this very day. I remember almost being attacked by the rowdy German shepherd next door. I would be half way up my dad's back from fright. I remember going up the crooked and cracked steps on the side of the house.

We would walk in the back door and there Papap would be sitting there waiting to see us. He was a quiet man and always sat in his favorite chair watching his TV. I sit here wishing I knew him better, but I was young and not much for conversations then. But my memories will always linger as I remember my Dad going up almost every night to fix his meals as he was growing older and becoming sick. My example of him is, even though the world was still evolving around him it wouldn't have any change on him. He would remain a humble man and love and appreciate his son very much. Thank you Papap for your love and example in life.

The other grandfather is my "Papaw." I've mentioned him in past blogs and how grateful I am still to this day for his example. I was close to him and his happiness still remains in my life today. I think of him every Christmas that comes around. When I watch a baseball game it reminds me of him. When I look at his smoked set of pipes on my bathroom counter I think of him. His strength keeps me strong in everything I do.

I remember going to work with him when I was little and sitting there as he would fix a piece of furniture for Sears. I remember him coming to my baseball games when I was little and cheering me on. Those were just good times. I remember the time when he was older and couldn't drive very well and him and I and his dog Astro went to go shopping at Elm Grove shopping center. We were going down the little hill to the shopping center and he was going off the road and almost put us over the hill. And I yelled, "Papaw were going off the road." He just gripped the wheel tighter and got right back in the right lane. He said it would be OK. I don't even remember what we were going there for, but it was eventful.

But I am grateful for his example of love and his great ability to teach me not to worry about anything. Just grab your toolbox and go to work. Keep on keeping on was his motto, and just let it roll off your back. He never said that but that is what he was trying to teach everyone around him. He enjoyed his kids and his grandchildren to the fullest and just loved life no matter what.

Thanks Papaw for your example and the great memories you gave us all in life. I only wish he could read this, maybe they have Internet in heaven, who knows!

Out of the the four father in my life, none can ever match our Heavenly Father. His love is abundant and always overflowing. Our cups overflow. We need nothing because of him. Through Him I have these memories in life, through Him I have the ability to live free from sin. With Him I will never be alone in life, even with my greatest sin I am always forgiven. I could be beaten, robbed and stripped of everything I own and he would find a way of bringing me through it.

He is love and the founder of love. He created me for a reason, to become something the world might not recognize. To serve those in need both spiritually and physically. He might not have created me to be in the spotlight, but to maybe give somebody a good cheerful laugh or just to be a good example to someone who needs it.

He moves in a mysterious way to give us a new hope everyday we awake. We can't rely on the world to give us hope, but through Him we can always find the chance for greatness. We look blindly waiting for His answer and take off the blindfold and see He has already given us the answer or another angle to look at the situation at hand.

He is more than deserving of a father's day card. He deserves our full attention every moment of our lives. He deserves the love and praise of every person whoever walked upon this planet, but yet we give Him a couple of hours on Sunday and and hour on Wednesday and we think that is enough. It's not even enough time to fill a tiny glass jar.

He deserves so much more!!!!!!!!!!! I think more about my career and when I will land that dream job or when I will sell my next policy and when it will pay out. I think more about myself and how pitiful my life is, when He's given me and everybody a life greater than any king. When we pass in life where will we be? In a pit of fire or in the glorious hands of our creator? Our lives are our number one priority. We think about the next paycheck and wonder what HD television set we should buy. Instead of giving Him the praise, we give a baseball player on steroids more praise. A home run, a touchdown and a basket have become more important than our love for him.

Everyday should be Father's day for our God. I'm guilty of all this, my lack of faith has been very weak lately. Satan gets his hold on me with allowing me to worry about things and making me put my priorities first instead of our Lord's. I need to give Him the praise He deserves and give Him my problems so I can fulfill His destiny He has planned for me.

Thank you God for all that you are and more. Your example leaves me in AWE!

Posted by Clint Singer at Monday, June 16, 2008

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