Thursday, June 24, 2010

part7: A Short Story- The Meeting

It had been a wild day since he received the call from Gerald.  Paul got a phone call from one of his lawyers and they decided to quit the case leaving Paul with no one to represent him in the fiasco. The lawyer had told him they couldn't defend a case like this one because it was a case they couldn't win. It was just too big of a mess and no one would believe he wasn't guilty of his deeds.  Basically, it wasn't going to be a money maker for them, so they bailed. 

It was about time for the three men to meet in the hotel room and Paul had no idea what they were going to talk about.  He heard a knock on the door of his hotel room and he went to answer it.  When he had opened it there were the two men standing there with polite smiles on their faces.  Smiles that were new to Paul yet had a comforting feel to them.  They sat down and he offered them drinks and  they introduced each other and they proceeded to go about business. \

So Paul asked what they could do for them, and the mystery man asks Paul what would he be willing to do for Him.  It was a weird question to Paul because he thought they were there to offer him help. Instead both men wanted to know what he would be willing to do for them.   The Mystery man asked him, "How can you help us to get yourself out of trouble?"  Nervous, he wasn't ready to make any type of bargain where he didn't get anything out of it.  Both men were serious about the question and didn't seem to back down.

Paul sat for a minute and thought about the question and asked what he was supposed to do.  The mystery man said live life the next couple of days and look around and see if there is anything around him that could answer the question.  Then that was it, both men left and said there goodbyes and said they would see him soon.  Paul was confused and didn't understand the point of the meeting. The whole session tore at him and he wanted to know why they wasted his time, but he said nothing and walked the men to the door.  The mystery man told him to remember the question and stay focused on life around him. And Paul said "Okay!"

The door shut and Paul turned around and slid down the door and focused on the question and  he couldn't really get a grasp on it. So he asked the question to himself over and over again and again.  "How can you help us to get yourself out of trouble?" To be continued......

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