Friday, June 18, 2010

Part 5 A Short Story

Weeks had past since  Paul's criminal acts had caught up with him.  Still staring at the ceiling of the hotel room, he had no idea how he was going to get out of every misdeed he had done.  It wasn't that he was going to get out of anything. He had a criminal trial that would be coming up soon and he remained out on bail for the time being.  No one had called to help him in any way.  His life for the time being was in complete shambles.  Nobody wanted anything to with him except for his million dollar lawyers.  They were just in it for the money and really didn't care if he went to jail. But it was their duty to protect Paul and do their best to get him out of trouble or get an easy prison sentence.

Paul shut his eyes that night and went into a deep sleep.  A deep came over him, and a vision came to him and asked him one question, "Do you trust me?"  The question was repeated a few more times before he woke up.  His vision was of a man with a suit on and had a dingy look about him. His hand held out and he asked the question again "Do you trust me?"

As morning approached Paul's wife was getting used to her new routine.  With no husband home she was the one to get the kids fed and on to school.  Her heart broken really smashed and destroyed by the man she had trusted for so many years. She remembers the day they were married and how sweet of a guy Paul was. His ability to preach at their church and the blessed words to come out of his mouth were a deep memory she would never let go of. Because that was the Godly man she would always want to remember.  The new memories of the scandal and his obsession with power were the ones she had erased from her mind for now. The past was the only thing she could cling to, not the future.

After dropping off the kids at school she had no idea where she was headed for the day. The house had become a lonely place for her almost dungeon like.  Getting out was her escape from the matters at hand.  She decided to take a drive past Paul's hotel just hoping he might be walking out the doors and she could get a glimpse of him.  She was a forgiving person all her life and really wanted to put this matter behind them and be married and in love the way they used to be. That would only be a dream in this reality, you can't just snap a finger and have everything go back to normal.  Prayer was all she could grasp onto for an answer and healing.  As she drove on, a sign approached her that said, "Do you trust me?" Chills went down her spine as if that was what she was just thinking.  Trusting in God would be the way to get through all this.  But could she regain her trust in Him like she used to, in God or Paul.  Life was baring down  hard and was getting worse as the days lingered on. How much more could she take? Silence from Paul was killing her she just wanted to talk to him, and trust him again.   To be continued....

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