Friday, December 24, 2010

Living Humble In Christ!

I believe all people are good or have some good hiding in them.  God had in mind when he created us to do good and never leave him.  But many have left him and continue to take the path of not doing good.  Even those of us that are Christians are not perfect and still continue to sin daily.  Yet, we Christians puff ourselves up and put on a front of goodness and shun others because we don't think they are good enough.  If you hate Christians I can understand.  There are many Christians that think they are better than others in this world.  They think lowly of others who are poor, not dressed well, uneducated and fear those who do evil.  These kind of Christians wouldn't sink low enough to give any of these people the time of day.  Their status in the church and the community are more important than being in the middle of fighting for the underdog. 

Many years ago a little infant came to the earth born of a young girl and a carpenter.  As they were traveling a great distance on foot and riding a donkey, they finally arrived to their destination.  The young girl and the carpenter were looking for a place to stay that night and found the only space to sleep was an animal stable.  The young girl started her labor and had a little infant and laid him in a manger (a feeding trough!)  There was no applause except from heaven and a lot of angels. No family and friends arrived to see the new infant arrive on Earth.  A bright star  guided a few raggedy shepherds to see the new infant boy. 

The little child was given the name Jesus and would be the "King of all Kings."  His birth had been written about for many years and by many prophets.  Many looked forward to the King's arrival yet many missed it then and continue to still miss it today.  He arrived in the reign of a jealous and mean King named Herod. Herod became so fearful of this child he had all the boys of a certain age killed so to possibly kill the Christ. Herod didn't succeed!

Jesus grew up not rich with great wealth but rich towards God his Father.  His life was ordinary here but spiritually rich with God.  His ministry began in his thirties and he never owned nothing.  His goal was not to be the best but to become the least among everybody.  He taught to love one another and serve those in need.  He once applauded a poor widow for giving 2 little coins in the offering plate, it was all she had. He believed those sitting on the street and not able to move or walk were more important work than making the temple look beautiful.  His life was less important than those around him, he was seeking the pain that man has felt through out life. His heart was motivated toward loving others and giving them healing they have been longing for.

When he healed the man of leprosy he just didn't heal him, he touched his ulcerous hand and then healed him.  His touch was what the man needed for no one had given him any love since getting the disease. Many surrounded Jesus just to be able to be healed.  One woman tried so hard to get to the master that she believed enough that just touching his clothes it would give her healing  from her disease. And it did, and Jesus felt power go through him.

Our world has lost the true meaning of our savior, our lives are filled with becoming the best and seeking the best for our own lives.  We don't think about being humble and giving to others till it hurts.   Today is the day we fulfill our destiny and become what Christ needs us to be.  Giving daily to those who are in need and being able to touch those who are in need. That's our reason for the season. To give until all poverty and hunger is  solved.  Christ came to show us what true love is and when he saw we didn't know what to do he had to show us and then take our sins away that we might be able to live life in freedom.

Remember Christ is the reason for every season.  Every day we should celebrate and cherish both the birth and death of Christ.  But most of all we should celebrate his rise to new life from the tomb.  That is the moment we became free and continue to have his life run through us every day!  Merry Christmas!

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