Tuesday, April 05, 2011

God's Grace!

God's grace is probably a gift we overlook everyday. An action from God we give very little attention to at all.  I often forget about how wonderful grace is.  We live in  a world that gives little grace toward anyone. In our toughest moments in life there is grace being extended to us from above. Yet, we think very little of how great this gift is from God.
When I read a book dealing with the topic of God's grace, it is then when I realize how under appreciated  it is.  We all deserve to pay a huge penalty for our mistakes but God doesn't see it that way. He gives us his pardon though his great mercy and grace. His grace is huge and beyond our comprehension. 
His greatest story of grace is when the criminal on the cross beside Jesus asked to be in paradise with him.  Jesus offered him grace right then and there, no questions asked. We see criminals every day on the news and we hope they get what they deserve. But a change of heart and renewed spirit of these criminals toward repentance will lead them to God's grace.

We all live in God's grace, the worst of society and the best,  it's extended to us all. The book I have been reading titled "The Grace of God," has lead through all the people of the Old Testament.  It has shown that they all made huge mistakes and didn't lead the best of lives, yet God gave them grace and were forgiven of all wrong doing. He continues to give grace toward all of us, especially to all who believe in him. 

Our society and the churches we belong to have an order that must be followed. Rules that need to be met. If we don't follow these rules and fail we can a lot of times be put to shame because we failed.  I've seen it happen plenty of times. People fail and everyone talks about them and shoves them aside.  Leaving the person to go another direction away from the faith and live a life as an outcast. We needed to give grace to them and realize we to have sinned just like that person also.

One of the greatest things Jesus ever said was, "He who has never sinned cast the first stone!"  Stones dropped and people walked away.  We can judge people a lot because the sin they comitted is a sin we haven't, so we puff ourselves up and heap words of hatred toward them. Our stones were cast and hit that person, it turn we should have thrown the stones at ourselves also.  Sin is great but Grace is bigger. 

I thank God every night for his grace that has been lavished on me. I need it! The things that often come from my mouth or things I do need a whole bunch of Grace thrown on it.  Everything I have is not because of me, it's because of God's gift of grace that I have such things. We don't deserve nothing, but God seems to think we do. I don't deserve forgivness, but God does.

Tomorrow or right now think about how little we think of God's grace and how awful life would be without it. The Lord is planning his giving of grace for our future right now because he knows we need it. Tomorrows grace is already planned. Mistakes are going to happen tomorrow and the next day and the day after that.  Our lives at this very moment are good, but tomorrow they could drastically change but God's is already there. Such a relief to know we are going to make it through the tough times because God is there and he's willing to give us a huge gift of mercy and grace.    

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