Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Goals In Life?

What is your goal in life? Not goals but the main reason for your life. I often think about the goals of other people. I think about what my goal is in life. I'm not a big fan of getting others attention it's useless to me. I don't feel that trying to impress somebody is anything achieving.
What does it matter if I impress anybody? If you think becoming someone with impressive power and wealth is an achieving goal your dead wrong. If you think becoming a rock star is something impressive it's not.
If you think becoming a person of great humbleness and a true giver of love is achieving then your somewhat right. If you become this type of person and don't have a love for your God then it's useless.
If you become a person like the above and have a great desire to love God and his son then by Joe I think you've achieved something great in your life.
Our world doesn't desire this type of life. It desires you to achieve in the wrong ways, it desires you to achieve outwardly not inwardly.
The other day I was helping an older couple figure out how to work this stupid new hose reel container for their garden hose to be stored. They made a big deal about it and it seemed it was a big decision for them.
I came away from that ordeal thinking, "is this what my life and their life has come down to. Making a decision about some piece of junk made in China that will fall apart in a few years. I was deflated!
There's got to be something better to spend my time with than this. We've all had these type of thoughts run through our minds more than once.
What is my goal in life? I know what i could be doing, but taking care of others and feeding the poor doesn't pay the bills.
The world around you and I is killing us spiritually day in and day out. Grace is the only thing saving us. If we didn't have Gods grace we would all be in big trouble. He knows most of us will never reach or even try to fulfill his goals he has intended for us.
Satan has totally blinded all of us in this world. We will always fall short of our goal or goals in life.
I envy those who have found their intended paths God has planned out for them.
With all the mayhem that follows us throughout life I am reminded of the words of Jesus when he said the greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your might!
That I shall do till my last breath, I will remain faithful until the end is near and love him for all eternity! That is my goal in life.

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