Sunday, May 06, 2012

Walking Through The Pearly Gates

The year was 1986, it was our first time as a family to go to Florida. We were all excited to go, to finally see Disney World was a dream I always had.
I still remember walking up to the ticket place and going through the gates.

I was 13 years old at the time, and just couldn't wait to see this place everybody had always talked about. I still remember walking through Cinderella's castle and just couldn't wait to see what awaited on the other side. I was amazed!

Last year we returned there with my wife and three kids. They had no clue what to expect. I recently asked by daughter what she thought about it. She said she didn't know what to expect either. She had no idea what Disney World had to behold for her.
My oldest son was mesmerized by the vast amount of people. He said he didn't know there was this many people in the world. The thoughts of children.

As we entered I too was captured by the happiest place on Earth. It brought back my memories as a child. My first thoughts about what lay ahead of me as I walked through the castle.

I often wonder if Heaven will be like Disney World. Will we walk to the ticket gate and be given our ticket to Eternity and then see the most wonderful castle ever? I hope so.

I hope as we walk through God's amazing castle there will be the first instance of being blown away by Heavens beauty. Then as we walk farther and instead of Disney characters welcoming us it will be a huge reception of those we loved waiting to give us a huge hug. What a day that will be. A day of absolute paradise, to be complete as we approach God's presence.

A lot of times we are taken away from the thoughts of this glorious moment. Satan keeps us in the midst of the turmoil of this world. He keeps us busy here to distract us from the true desire of our hearts. Our whole reason for being on Earth is to keep the faith and then one day enter eternity's glory.

We must give everything we have to others. We must give our hearts, our love, our money and most importantly our time to those in need. Ourselves are not the reason we live in Christ but Christ living in us and then we shed ourselves.

Do not live each day for our reasons but for Christ's reasons. We have all fallen short of this. I am extremely guilty of putting my priorities first above others including above our loving father.

Their is a reason Jesus spoke of heaven because he wants us all to be there. Approach the throne of God and see how loving he is. Focus on what is not right and not beautiful here and think about how wonderful it will all be in heaven. Love one another and love God with all your heart, soul and mind.

One day I want to say what my son said but different. I want to say "I didn't know there were this many people in heaven!"

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