Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Why I believe!

There are times in life when you finally realize God is the only thing worth living for. I've come to see this over the past couple of years. Maturity is a long process for all of us. Some become more mature mentally faster, but their spiritual maturity is in a huge mess.

Others like myself are not mature in the way they act but have come to a realization of their spiritual maturity. I goof off a lot, I love to be funny and be goofy. I don't want to be a stiff around others. I worry about some things but I don't worry about a lot of things.
When it comes to being right before the eyes of God I take it pretty serious yet i continue to fall short every day. I know in my heart there is a loving creator behind everything that is in this world. Every inch of it!

I have a friend who has become an unbeliever and likes to tell people about it. I just don't get it. But I pray for him and others who follow the same path. I pray they will come to a point in their life when they will hit rock bottom and say that prayer of desperation when they finally realize they can't do it on their own. When they do God will do great things!

I want to tell you why I believe. Yes my parents brought me into the faith by taking me to church and yes I believed what I was told there. So an atheist would say that's why I believe because it was engrained into my thinking as a child. So it's my parents teaching is why I believe. That may be a strong statement but there comes a time in your life when you test it. And I have!

It wasn't profound things that made me finally say I believe it's the simple things that have given me my deep faith.

I once watched a gnat fly around and land on my arm. I sat there and looked at it and I was truly amazed at its size. How something so small could survive on such a big planet and a vast universe. So tiny and so vulnerable yet it continues to serve it's purpose until I swatted it and ended its life. To create a little bug like that must've taken amazing ability. It was then I realized how awesome God's hands are. He is an artist of greatness! Even the tiniest things are important to him.

I've seen plenty of hate in my young life. It's all around us but it is not created by God. It's the hand of another.

When I first saw love or a great act of love I knew this was a better choice. Love creates great people, hate creates nothing. I've seen God's love in many different people over the years. These people were who I wanted to be, and try to be every day. If I took the time I could probably write the names of these people down and try my best to remember why I love these people of God so much. This is another reason why I believe because God put these great people in my life for a reason. He wanted to show me his love and how great it is. God is love.

Music is another great reason of my faith in a creator. When I hear someone sing or hear the entire church sing I am amazed at such a great ability. Many of us don't have a great singing voice but we often get through it. But to hear an entire church sing in unison is amazing. You have got the good the bad and the ugly voices all together but somehow God made it all come together in greatness. Can you imagine how singing will be in heaven?
I can't even describe it and I don't think there is a word on this planet to describe it. To sing is an astounding talent to me it will always be a gift to me that God has used to make many believe in a higher power.

I have decided to share my many reasons for believing in God. I want to share this in parts. It's a lot to read but I hope what I share will help others to look at Christianity in other ways. To not just see the religious ways of the church but to see the beauty of God outside the walls of a church building. You can believe in God by looking at his work outside in creation without ever stepping foot in a church building. We are the true church of God and I truly believe you need others to know God also. To those who don't know God there is other ways of seeing his beauty through his word and his ability to create through his work and his people. May God bless us all!

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