Lastnight I had a tough time going to sleep. The weather was bad and stormy. I had fallen asleep and woke up to a huge crash of thunder. It scared the daylights out of me. One thing about living in Arkansas we have horrible lightning and booming thunder.
The thunder rumbled all night long and it rattled the doors inside our house. I was in and out of sleep all night long. After that crash of thunder the wind was howling because of a cold front moving in. It reminded me of the night hurricane Katrina went over Arkansas. That was one of the most scariest nights of bad weather I remember. The wind was just blowing in so many directions and the rain was beating against the windows, the lightning was lighting up the windows. It was crazy! I believe we had 7 tonadoes that night in and around the state. It was bad. But eventually I fell asleep.
Then I had a dream of being in a graveyard. I don't know why I was there during the whole dream. Me and some friends were just walking through there and still hadn't found the reason why we were there. But toward the end of the dream I was visited by an old friend. I was so happy to see who it was. It was my Papaw! He gave me the biggest hug and I just didn't let go. I miss my grandfather very much. He was my greatest example in life. I was very happy when I woke up today, even though I didn't get very much sleep because of the weather.
I guess God does work in mysterious ways. I had a long week at work and was lacking confidence in myself. And just needed some kind of reassurance that everything was going to be OK. And that was all I needed.
I thank you God for the dream I had and the confidence that it and you bring me everyday.