Stepping out. That's what Martin Luther King did back then. He took a step and he took another and another. Until things changed! I don't know a lot about this man. But I know that he stuck his neck for the people of his color. His words of his speech "I Have a Dream" will echo in the minds of every American.
For those of us who were not born yet. He was the front headlines across every newspaper and the nightly television news across America. To the White man he was a trouble maker, to the African American he was a hero. He brought peace to his people and hope to this generation and future generations. He got the wheels turning on racism in our country. Segregation is one of the "Black Eyes" America wants to hide. It's an embarrassment to our nation. It was an egotistical situation for the white America. Not only did whites hate them for their color, it was the fear of the whites that the African American might take over our country. Who's country? Not ours but God's country.
The arrogance of the white man. That's what it was! White people feared the black race for fear of them taking what white people thought was theirs. So we held them back, we bullied them, beat them, enslaved them,killed them, hung them in trees and we segregated them like they were Lepers. What a shame!!!!!!!!!
I have this thing right now about the ignorance and arrogance of mankind. I'm tired of it. I think about this all the time. Every time somebody brings up racism it just fires me up. I don't know if I'm getting old or realizing that this world is just sick! I found my sympathy for people that are victims of racism when Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf coast. Then a couple of days later when all those people were trapped in New Orleans. I kept watching these people huddled in the super dome with nowhere to go. They were trapped! I remember seeing the people dying on the overpass of heat exhaustion and people wading through the nasty water trying to find refuge. And yes the majority of the victims were Black. I know there were a lot of bad seeds there causing looting and raping innocent people. I condemn that completely! But there were a lot of good people there also. Some of them were looting to get supplies for there families, I don't condemn that. But where was the government! Not just the Federal, but also the state government.
In my eyes, if that would've have been all white people there trapped the Federal government would've been there in a flash. I believe racism slowed them down. But that is just one man's opinion.
But I condemn racism! When people make a joke about people of other color, I don't listen. I hate when people hear of a crime, and say it was probably a negro. My thought is this: there are plenty of white people doing the same things. Look how many white folks you see on the news getting arrested in a crystal meth lab bust. Or most people who are convicted of child kidnapping and molestation are mostly white. I'm sick of all racism and the racist who open their mouths. I don't believe Jesus was a racist. I don't believe it says in the Bible he was crucified for the white people only. He was crucified so that all the peoples sins would be forgiven. Period!
I applaud MLK for stepping out against racism. He stood the higher ground when no one else would. United We Stand, Forever.
Well what can you say about one classy coach? I could say a lot! It's kind of sad to see Bill Cowher leave, but I guess we Steelers fans don't have a choice.
I could tell all season long he was going to leave. He just didn't have that killer profile on his face this year. Of course with the .500 season they had to struggle to get, there is no reason to have that desire on the coaches face.
15 years. It doesn't seem like it's been that long. If we had Kordell as our QB it would've seemed like 15 years.
Bill will be missed, especially when he had that chin sticking out ready to tear up the referees for a bad call. When Bill got mad we all got mad and pumped up ready to defeat anyone in our path to get to the superbowl. When the steelers got beat by the patriots in the many playoff games. I was throwing stuff, ripping off my jersey, lauching my terrible towel across the room, ready to reach in the TV and choke Drew Bledsoe and that Michigan punk Brady. I thought Iwas mad; I can't even imagine what was running through Bill's head.
Everytime the Steelers lost a game this year. I would say "I wasted $240 on the sunday ticket for this." I launched the towel across the room many times this season, but I knew I had to appreciate this season it would probably be Bill's last. Now they got to figure out who's going to replace him. They better make a good choice, or the Steeler Nation won't be happy. Good Job Bill !