Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Magical Feeling Of Christmas.

I remember when I was young and how exciting it was to be Christmas eve.  I remember my Papaw and Aunt Monna coming over and all of us just enjoying one anothers visit.   They would stay the night and they would both get my sister and I excited about Santa coming during the night. 

My mother would go all out and make a good Christmas eve meal and we would indulge ourselves and then eat all the cookies she had made until we were sick.  It would be cold outside (unlike here in Arkansas)  and we would be huddled up by the fireplace and try to get warm.  I have always enjoyed those many Christmas eve's and still enjoy the memories of them all.  Christmas Eve is a magical time of year.  I miss them!

For some reason I have lost that magical feeling and I don't know why.  I guess because Christmas here in Arkansas just doeosn't feel very Christmas like. 

As the evening progresses I can feel a little of the magic left, but it just doesn't feel like it once did.  Maybe it's because I have grown older and the magical feeling I once had is slowly disappearing somewhat.  I hope it comes back one day, but for now I will always have the precious memories of past Christmases in my mind and heart.  I'm thankful to God for memories like these.  Thankful for two hard working parents who went all out to give me the best Christmases ever.  I'm thankful for the memories of a loving Grandfather who made my life and Christmas very special.  With all the presents I have received through the years nothing is more important than these special memories. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  

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