I found this cross about a month ago. It has great meaning to me. I was given this cross about three years ago by a man in Sherwood, Arkansas. He didn't give it to me at a church building or any type of church activity. He gave it to me on the side of the road.
I had watched this man many times out the window at work. I saw him go up and down the road at least three to four times a week walk up and down highway 107 in Sherwood. He wasn't empty handed either. It was an unusual sight to see what he did when he walked down the busy highway.
He carried a Bible in one hand and carried something else that I know hardly any of his wouldn't even think of carrying. But this gentleman put Christ first before ever thinking of what the world thought of him. He carried a huge cross one his shoulder. The cross had to measure 9 feet in height with two little wheels on the back so he didn't have to drag it down the street. I thought this was unusual but I thought it was great in the eyes of the Lord. I don't know what this man had done in his past but I know he was happy for the cross of Jesus. That he was able to put humiliation behind him and put the message of Christ on his shoulder and carry it with great hope for eternal life. And the hope that his non-verbal message would help somebody or anybody driving on that highway. To put the message of Christ's cross into the life of one person would probably satisfy him greatly.
It was five o' clock and I was shutting the gate to the garden center and he was coming to pass in front of me. He stopped in front of me and gave me the cross and said do you know the Lord? I said yes. He said good stay that way and handed me the cross. And I told him he was doing a great thing and I was proud to call him my brother. I didn't know what church he went to or of what faith he was. But that didn't matter to me, I was humbled at that moment.
We as humans in the world try to find heroes to look up to. Many try to find that hero in a movie star, athlete or rock star. I think after my encounter with that gentleman I have put him on my list of people to look up to. He has more strength than I do; I still don't think I would have the guts to drag that cross up that highway. But I think if I ever see him again I might stop and walk it up the street with him.
Matthew 10:38-39 Anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. Amen.
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