This is the PT Cruiser Harding is toting around. It's actually not a bad looking ride. Education well spent! They passed a brochure out the other day while we were waiting in line to pick up Brayden. It was a meeting they were having at the university. It was about investing for your kids education. I see they already invested four years of my kids schooling into that Ride. LOL!
Anyhow, they said on the flyer that in 15 years your child's college education for a state school would be $140,000 dollars. I think they had that wrong on the sheet. I think they meant Private college. But I don't know, I didn't go to the meeting.
It's amazing how much everything costs today. Why must products, schooling and gas go up so much? We could still go by the pricing of these things like they were back in past. My answer "GREED!" We human are so Greedy anymore, especially those who run the markets who drive up these costs.
What made me think of this is a simple Klondike bar. I was eating one the other night and thought about how much thinner these things have gotten since I was little boy. They go for $3.50 for six bars at WALMART. I think they were in the $1.60 price range when I was little. With the $3.50 price they should measure alot bigger than they are. But NO! They made them smaller so it cost them more to make them. WRONG!
What a mixed up world we live in! We all want and need more money. But do we really? We have spent alot of money on medicine since Christmas, even with insurance. Do they really need to make medicine so expensive. It's not the research that costs so much it the greedy salary of the CEO"s that's killing us with the price. I pray for the drug people that they won't go where we think they are all going.
The past two days I have been in Little Rock taking Life and Health insurance classes to get my licenses. I have learned alot about scammers and the government taxing gained interest on life policies and whatever else they can tax. I know insurance people are the worst when it comes to jacking up the price on people and ripping people off. But there is a lady in there who was a customer service rep for Blue cross and she broke down in tears about some of the calls she had. Most of the calls were from the elderly, showing gratitude for the new medicare drug policies (which are still garbage). But they were so happy that they could get there medicine cheaper and not have to decide to go without food or choose to get their medicine. One lady told her that she hadn't taken her heart medicine for over a year because she said she had to eat. She had a pretty bad heart condition is what she told the woman in my class.
WHAT A SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"GREED!" We have all been guilty of it. Why? Nothing we gain can be taken with us. Money is just a piece of paper. Nothing else! We could all do our work and not need money. They did without it in the caveman days. Adam and Eve didn't have money and neither did Jesus. But if we want to keep the shelter over our heads and keep the lights on and our stomachs full, the world says we need money.
I wish I could have the heart of Mother Teresa. They said when she died she had nothing to her name. She had no house, no car, no life insurance policy, no High Definition TV. In the worlds standards she was dirt poor. But in the eyes of those she helped over the years she had everything! Even the $200 K she won from the Nobel Peace Prize she gave it all to the poor. WOW!
One question about money W.W.J.D? What Would Jesus Do? He would say sell everything to the poor and follow him. Isn't that what he told the young rich man. That's would be hard for us all, including myself. Think about it? I think I need to let go of a few things and do without some things. I need to start the process now before Jesus comes back and says I had to much stuff while others had too little. I don't want to watch the gates close in front of me because I was living by the worlds standards of GREED.
The past couple of years instead of having a yard sale we have decided to give our old clothes and the kids clothes to His House at Church. I'm not bragging about it, I'm just telling we've begun the process. I drove by there one Thursday and there was huge line of those in need. I felt good that I let go of that stuff and someone else could get some good use for it.
Moral of the story is: Give what you can and don't feel so much need for materialistic stuff. Because when your gone it's the direction of where your soul is going. Up or Down.
Oh, and I didn't put the picture of the Harding car on here because they are greedy. I just thought alumni back home would like to see it.
What did you do for that Klondike bar?
Ate my Veggies with Cheese!
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