Four years ago today me and Shannon were make our plans for March 30, 2003. Our house was finished almost,enough for us to move in. We were planning moving as much as me and her brother Matthew could. I had to work that day so our plans were to start working when I got home. But I was home about and hour and Shannon didn't look good at all. She had been feeling like she was ready to pop #2 out real soon. Well she was right. We didn't move into the house that day instead we moved Shannon into the hospital. She was hurting so bad I thought about stringin' her up to the furniture dolly we had to move stuff with.
8 hours later and a lot of pain (of course Shannon's pain) we had a new baby girl to love and hold tight for the rest of our lives. I can't even describe how much I love this little girl. She is the exact opposite of her brothers. Where both of them are extremely shy, Macy is not!!!!!!!!!!!! One of her favorite things to do in public is point out people smoking. She'll say: "Brayden look that guy is smoking, he's a bad guy." Or like this morning leaving for school there was a guy working on the new house across the street, she starts laughing and saying"Daddy look that guy is bald!" I was shushing her as loud as I could. She's going to get her Dad beat up one day!
She has already made her presence known to everybody. Her first day of school this year I dreaded, because we have never sent a child of ours to school at the age of 3. Brayden cried and cried his first day and we thought the same for her. NOPE! She walked right in and didn't look back.
She is an inspiration to both me and Shannon, she has no fear at all. She will be the first to leave the nest. Where the boys will probably be here till they're 45. :( They say you can't learn anything from a child, but I did. She has taught me to be patient no matter what kind of trouble she causes(And trust me she has caused alot). But to see her everyday making new friends and bringing smiles and laughter to people makes me feel we have been truly blessed by God.
Thank you God for March 30,2003 one of the most important days of my life.
Happy Birthday Macy my little angel.
1 comment:
Happy Birthday Macy!!! Lots of love from John, Sally, J, and Shaylyn. Enjoy your company this week. Try to give Chuck a particularly hard time.
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