Monday, April 30, 2007

One Impressive Baseball Coach!!!!!!!!!!

When I played baseball I always had the worst coaches with crummy attitudes. They played their sons the whole game and usually they were the worst player on the team. Their sons always made the the all-star team. Bucky Davidson was the only exception. His Dad was the coach and he was the best player always in the league. So kudos to him.
But I have experienced a new excellence in Little League coaching. Brayden had a good coach last year and we were happy with him, he took time to help the kids learn the basics. But there is not another coach in the league that can top this years coach. Me and Shannon hoped and prayed that Brayden would get Shane Fullerton this year. And the night Shane called me I was so excited! Shane is our Sunday Bible class teacher and a pretty good one at that. He is the girls basketball coach at Harding. Me and Shane went to Harding together and we were in the same social club together Theta Tau. So I have known him for awhile.
How many coaches tell their players to play with the attitude of Jesus, and how many coaches say a prayer with his players in the huddle at the end of each game. I'm over impressed!!!!!!! He encourages each player even if they make a mistake, and is impressed with their ability just as long as they try.
We need more Coach Fullerton's in this world. I thank God every night for all the examples he shows me in my life. Shane is high on my list.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Funny Sign!

I thought this was quite humorous. I don't know this man's situation but I don't think his kids need karate lessons. Down in Little Rock there are men who hold up signs that say they need money for some reason or other. They stand on the off ramps on Cantrell road and Rodney Parham road. These are the busiest places in Little Rock. When I worked down there I would pass by and see one guy standing there and then a couple hours later there would be someone else standing there with the same sign.
Come to find out they're with a group that portrays themselves as homeless and they all live at the same campground together. They're are not poor they are scammers. Channel 7 did a report on it not to long ago, and I haven't seen any of them around lately. But I did see under a bridge the other day when I was down there a man living under one of the bridges of the interstate, he had all his belongings with him there. What a shame!
I do have one story about one of those men that hung out on one of the off ramps holding his sign. I was making a delivery of mulch and I had just delivered it. As I was stopped on the off ramp I was the first one in line. It was five o' clock traffic, so I had about 50 cars behind me where I was stopped at the light. Well the gas gage on the truck looked like I had enough gas, I didn't it lied. So the truck stalls out, and I saw that guy holding the sign and motioned to him. I wanted him to tell people to go around me. He didn't get it! I was stressing so he jumps in the back of the truck. What is he jumping in the back of the truck for I thought. So I jumped out and told him to get out of the truck, I wasn't very kind about it either. I got a truck out of gas, I'm in rush hour traffic with 500 cars behind me and I have a homeless guy in the back of my truck looking for a free ride. How can you be nice in that situation? So luckily I found a gas can in the back with like two squirts of gas in it. I put the gas in the truck and I told the guy I was sorry and gave him a dollar. Not a good day!!!!!!!!! As I got back to the nursery I told the story to the owner, a very humorous gentleman. He loved it when funny stuff happened to me. He was paying me back from the time when he was in a bad car accident. He came back to the nursery with a neck brace and his jaw wired shut and scratches all over his face and I told him he looked like Darth Vader when Luke took off his mask in Return of the Jedi. He thought it was funny but he worked me to death after he returned to work. Anyhow that's enough blabbering for now. Everybody have a good weekend and a great week and take God wherever you go.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Be Grateful!

"Be content with what you have, but not who you are."
I saw another sign today, it was on our sign at College Church. It's so true with a human being that we are never content with what we have. We always want more stuff, and we are sometimes happy in our position in life. But as Christians we should do the opposite of the world. Don't worry with stuff you have or stuff you can't afford to have. But be grateful with a roof, some clothing and food. That should be enough. The world doesn't think so companies keep shoving everything done our throats. Tempting us with trustworthy ads and make us continue to buy more and more. We should be happy with everything we have and be not be satisfied with our stature as a Christian. We should everyday be more like Christ doing as much good as we can. The world says we can be anything we strive to be, not true the world has hidden limitations. Where in Christ the sky is the limit.
I just got done studying the book of Revelations and I always feel a slap in the face when I read it. To read the final chapters really makes you think about the end of this earth and the coming of Christ and his Kingdom. Reality always sets in after exploring the pages of this book. I need to do more; we all need to do more. Like the sign said don't be content with who you are.
I found this picture on the Internet and it always bring me great joy. To hope that this is what will happen when I leave this place and see Jesus there giving me a big holy hug.
My prayer list: I have been praying hard for a friend who discovered she had cancer. The lump was removed and has not spread anywhere in her body or the lymph nodes. God does answer prayer. Now my prayer is for her financial being. She has no health insurance and will be needing Chemotherapy. Please pray for Tammy Pickens and all her troubles. Thanks
May God be with us all!

Monday, April 16, 2007

A Sad Day!

You never know what a day can bring. After 9/11 each day I wake up to I think is something going to happen. It's been awhile since we have had any bad news, and then there was today. I pray for the families of those that were killed and those that were shot and witnessed the whole ungodly incident.
Why things like this happens we will never know. But one thing is assured The Living God will comfort those who are in need right now.
My prayer is that this will never happen again. May God comfort all of us when tragedy strikes.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Rednecks, Nascar, Me & Brayden In the Mix!

I haven't become a redneck! Let's get that out in the open right now. My cousin Drew wrote me saying, " We have officially revoked your Yankee status. Please look for your Redneck certificate in the mail. Also note you will need the proper Visas and paperwork to cross from Kentucky into Ohio." HA-HA Very Funny!
This was the day that Mark Martin and Tony Stewart were going to be signing autographs in Batesville AR. So me and Brayden being the Tony fans that we, are decided to go and try to stand in line for an armband to be able to see Tony at 4 pm. We have had nothing but 80 degree days here in Arky, and the weather decided to be very cold that day. He was freezing and so was I. So we heard that Mark Martin was signing already. So I told Brayden we can either wait here and freeze for an armband to see Tony and not get one or we can have Mark Martin sign both of his cars. So we got mark to sign his cars.
No matter what we came out with it was good father-son day. Brayden was so excited! The cars just amazed him and I, and when he saw Mark Martin he just went nuts and so did I. God blessed us with a good time to be together and have some fun. The only thing I have lost being a Yankee is that my blood has thinned alot. I don't like the cold weather no more! Our next autograph goal is "Big Ben." Have a good week!

Monday, April 02, 2007

Children and Their Questions and Fears.

Somebody told me awhile back when Brayden was little that I would be asked a lot of questions as he got older. And I get a lot of questions from both him and Macy. But as Brayden gets older I get a lot of questions that I sometimes don't always have the right answer or he is too young to understand the answer. Brayden is timid about doing a lot of things where Macy is not. Siblings, yet 2 very different personalities.
Tonight we had baseball tryouts. Yes I think is totally stupid for a 7 year old to have to tryout for baseball, and come to find out I wasn't the only one to think that. But I had to talk him into playing, we just want him to be able to be around kids and build confidence in himself. So I bought him a new bat and we got him some new baseball shoes for tonight.
When he got into the car today he was so happy when he saw the new things, he said he was ready to play. But I could tell he was excited and nervous about the tryouts while standing in line. He kept asking me questions the whole time. He was worried about not hitting the ball and not playing very well. I told him I didn't get my first hit till I was about 8 years old. I told him not to worry about it but he kept asking me the same questions over and over, and it didn't bother me to answer them again. Because he wanted my confidence and reassurance to be able to handle the situation.
So he went out there and took his 3 swings and missed all three. Then they hit some balls to him and he stopped one and missed the rest. I didn't care what he did, I was proud that he went out there and did it. So he came back toward me not very excited and asked me if he did good, and I said yes. I was a little teary eyed and I told him I was proud of him no matter what he did out there. I told him I was proud that he was my son and nothing else mattered. The coaches were all lined up taking their notes of all the players and what they accomplished. All of them may not even payed any attention to him, but I did. I saw a little kid doing the best job he could. I saw a kid that is shy and fearful of going out and doing something like that. I saw a great kid not giving in to fear. I saw alot of little kids out there tonight accomplishing great things, some hit well and others did about the same as Brayden but that's OK.
I think parents push their kids to hard and so does the world. My Father-sons relationship will instill patience and time given to grow. I won't push my kids into anything they don't want to do and what they do want to do I will be behind them 100%. I want my boys to have great knowledge of God and to have confidence in themselves no matter what anybody tells them they can't accomplish. Macy on the other hand I'm not going to worry about. That child is full of confidence. Not a shy bone in her body. But when the time comes I'll be ready to answer any question she has.
Always have time to answer your children's questions no matter what. And always tell them they did a good job. Be proud to know that you have given the best answer, and if they need the answer again give it to them as many times as you can.