I was in great need to go home to West Virginia. It had been a year and a half since I have seen or stepped foot on WV soil. I had a longing to be home. I really miss all my family and friends there. One of my main goals was to go to Pittsburgh and raid the Steeler store. I just bought a couple of things there though.
We did make it there and got to tour the Steelers stadium, which was awesome! But, I really needed to go home and see the people I have loved and grown up with. I really missed everybody up there. I don't know anybody in that town anymore. The only people I know are those who attend church with me there. They are the ones I really miss, especially my family. I feel I miss out on a lot with them.
So, I was glad to see them and talk to them.
When I grew up in Wheeling, WV. I always thought why anybody would spend their vacation there. Now I know. It's home and always will be for me.
As we arrived back in Arkansas. The first thing I noticed was the southern draw. I escaped it at least for a week. It was kind of good to hear it again. It's amazing the differences between the North and the South. Where we live, it's a very Christian town. So, there is a lot of good going on down here. A lot of church going people here mixed in with a lot of non church goers. Where in the North there's not a huge Christian environment. I sometimes wonder why? People here seem to be a little more kinder where in the North people are nice but don't have a great ability for personal communication. People here in the South will wave as they pass by you. Where up North you don't see that. It's weird!
I've noticed also, that it's hard to build a close friendship with people here in the South. They seem timid. Yet, in the north I've always had close personal friends. I guess they're not as timid. Again, weird?
Words that differ form the two regions. People in the south say "How y'all doing?" Northern people in my area say, "How yun's doin?" I prefer "Yun's" over "Y'all" any day. Southern people say, "Ya doing alright?" Northerners say, "How ya doin?" When I first arrived in the south back in 1994 someone asked me if I was doing alright? I was confused. I thought they thought something was wrong with me. Then I realized I was in Bizzaro's world and they meant something else. The south is strange to me this very day. I love the North and always will. "Yankee for life!"
I am very happy I was able to go north for my vacation though. This week I will be writing about my vacation and some things I have noticed about the north. I hope you will read it. To those back home it was nice to see you all again. You will always have a special place in my heart. Know that you are missed and loved. May God bless us all!
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