Lately I have been reading the writings of Donald Miller. He is the author of the book, "Blue Like Jazz." So far I have finished two of his books, and I have seen his point clearly. Our world is strapping us down and forcing us to swallow it's way of thinking. Through politics, advertising, Television and even the way we think as Christians. We are really missing the point of serving and loving The Son of God.
Many Christians have tried over the years to bring God in our government. Like falling to things like The Republican party as the Christian party. Trust me that party is far from a Christian party. Many fell for the crap that people made us to believe about Bush and his Christian party. It fell way short of Jesus and his teachings. Yet many are so hard headed into believing stuff like this, it just blows me away. Neither party is worth calling the Christian party. Those representatives are just out for their own good. So they thought they could use the term Christian to get elected. I never believed it one bit. I really feel God is not in the business of politics at all. Jesus wasn't! God wants a faithful relationship with us not a political party.
All of us over the years have had troubles with judging others. I have trouble with doing such an ugly thing. When I feel I am going to judge someone now I say to myself, "They are a child of God, and You have no right to judge." Because I am no one special. So why do I do I need to say anything against them. I often say, "They are more special than I am, But we are all Special in God's sight." It's hard, but we can all quit doing it.
The world constantly beats us down, with the ads of beauty. You never see anybody on ads that are somewhat ugly. In the TV world everybody is beautiful. That's why it is fictional, yet we fall for it. In God's world all humans are beautiful. He looks from the inside out, He sees what we can't see. We could easily see it if we looked the way he did. Miller told of a story about a church that used beauty to represent its youth group. This church hassled and recruited the most beautiful people they could to join the youth group. So all the jocks and cheerleaders and all the popular people joined this group. They figured if beauty would come and all the rest would follow suit, because the group was pretty and people desire beauty over ugly and nerdy.
So the youth group had games they played and competitions among the different groups within the youth group. As a team would win the trophy the crowd would cheer as the handsome jocks won it every year. But one year a group of less pretty people won it, and as they went to get the trophy the crowd wasn't so cheerful. Because the most popular didn't win. That just irritated me as I read that. Ignorant people!!!!!!!!!!! He also was told a story about a church that was rather large and had a huge TV following. He knew of an usher that worked the services. He said they would tell him to seat the rather good looking people toward the front in case the camera panned over that direction viewers would see the beautiful people. Crazy!!!!!!!!
Doesn't Christ teach us to sit at the back not to sit at the front where all the hypocrites sit so everybody can give them the praise they want. I don't like the spotlight at all. I shy away from it. I'm not saying I am the most humble person in the world, but I don't like the attention. Our world continually shows us that we need to be noticed. It puffs our pride to own the best of things, to have the best job or have the best looking at our side. When you read the 53 chapter in Isaiah it states that Jesus was probably not the best looking of people. That people would shy away from him. Another sign of humbleness of God. While many looked for Christ to roll down from heaven in a throne of glory, it shocked them to see that he didn't. Christ came in the most humble manner and left in the most surprising of all. Dying for others instead of saving himself.
God wants us to a humble people. To be content with what we are and what we have. Live within our means not our dreams. I will never be a Michael Jordan or a Tiger Woods, yet I have the most precious gift of all. An eternal contract of love sponsored by the loving creator himself.
Live as a humble person and live forever. Less of self and more of others and Christ.
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