This is a picture of our cat Shelby. She has it made around here as you can tell by this picture. Her life seems to be so easy. She wakes up in the morning and waits by the back door for us to open it up. She stretches and makes a funny noise and heads right to her food and water. She sleeps a lot and lets us know when she wants to go out and roam. She'll come back and wants our attention by laying on the floor and rolling around. She really is a sweet cat. Very gentle with the kids and especially Macy. Macy is our middle child and is very focused on her tasks at hand. That being annoying her brothers or picking up the cat and carrying her around like a football. She reminds me of the little girl on the movie "Finding Nemo." That girl was rough with all her pets, but Macy is very good with the cat though.
I sometimes am jealous of the cat. I wish Iwas her and didn't have to deal with the problems in life. I'm sure when she goes outside she isn't worrying about other cats saying awful things to her. She doesn't have to listen to other cats talking bad about other cats either. Her only dilemma is not getting hit or being attacked by another cat or animal.
Our lives our different from cats though. We do sometimes have to worry about outside dangers also. But, we have to deal with and listen to all the junk the world and its inhabitants bring about all the time. I have come to realize why Christ said for us not to love the world or anything in it. I
am to the point that I really don't like anything in the world sometimes and I don't tolerate people in the world either. As an adult, you start to see the lies of Satan and man. You don't trust as much as you did when you were little. Every situation you look at it closer. You analyze it more. You don't allow certain people in your circle. Our trust has gone down the tubes as adults. We know more about hurt and sin. Emotions play more in our decisions than they did when we were young.
I have seen how "Fear" plays an important role in our in our country. The recent fight over health care reform is stirring the fears of many. I haven't had much fear about it though. Many are upset about it for many reasons though. The 3 factors I see in all this mess is three factors involving a fear about something. 1) Fear of losing their freedom in this department. There are so many people fearing this admistration is going to take away our freedom. People fearing communism is going to reign in our country. That is just crazy! If people would listen to the President and not listen to all the other crap everybody else is saying, things would make sense. He has clearly stated the reasons and it not communism or socialism.
2) Fear of losing money. Money is our driving force in our country. If we don't have it we will just die. I don't think we would die without having a lot of money. Money only has any value because we give it value. We love having it and fear when we don't. Money is the root of all evil but also the root for fear.
3) Fear of losing our status as a country and as human beings. When we were hit on 9/11 we feared everyone. Everyone who wasn't white or from this country we feared. I did too. But, then God knocked some sense into me and allowed me to quit being afraid. And I did!
So we started our ships and flew our planes over two countries and bombed the snot out of them. One to show our power in the face of fear and second to show them we were mad and scared all at once. Avenging the country instead of the persons involved in doing the awful act did nothing but stir up the hornets nest. So the hornets flew and got mad and started our fear again.
Fear gets us no where in life. Love will get us farther. Yes, it will take longer than just dropping a BOMB. But fear does not help us get to heaven, love does. All over the TV there is fear. We can't get over our fear, because people are constantly driving more fear. How do we get over our fear? It's easy trust God and read his words in the Bible. That is how I have gotten over this fear that the world tries to instill in us. When somebody says to fear something I don't. I pray and look for his answer. I guess you would call it a cat philosophy. But, there are things I do fear though, I just have to work it out. But, don't you see the fear out there in the world? Some of it is just to scare us, when it really is nothing to fear at all. Then there are some things that are legit to fear and I do fear them. And it is stupid to fear, but we do.
I think we should live like the cat. Don't have any fear and know someone is going to be there take care of our needs. She does and lives like a queen. If we would trust God and have great faith in him, things wouldn't be so scary. I saw a sign at a church that read, "Faith can see what eyes can't." That is so true! Can you imagine how much better we could see the world if we looked through the glasses of faith. We could see through all the lies and fears of the world. We could see what God sees. WOW! How easy is that?
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