Friday, October 30, 2009

Fighters in the ring of life.

Today I was diagnosed with Influenza A.  I have really felt bad the past couple of days, and really hope it goes away soon.  I really can't afford to miss work.   I was thinking the other day about how healthy I have been over my life.  I have never spent a day in the hospital, never had a broken arm, even though I deserved one.  I often think about those who have spent the majority of their life in the hospital.  Especially the little children in hospitals like St. Judes.  Many fighting for their life before they even have a chance to live their life.  I have been praying for this lady here in Searcy.  She has been fighting cancer for the longest time. 

Her sister is a teacher at Harding Academy and has really helped her during her battle.  She often keeps us updated through Facebook on her condition.  Some of the people in this world we call heroes aren't really hroes.  It's people like this that are my heroes.  Fighters in the ring of life.  The little infants and children who fight daily to stay alive and want to enjoy life like every other child.  I often wonder why little children have to suffer or good people like the lady I mentioned above have to go through such struggles to live.

Many would rather the murders and child molesters suffer more then those good people.  But that is not how life works here.  It's unfair, but those of us who call upon the Lord know there is a better place.  A place that is beyond our imagination, no sickness and no pain. I pray for those who are fighting sickness and disabilities to keep fighting.  You are my heroes!

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