Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Home Alone!

Since I have had the flu and have missed work the past couple of days.  I have to stay home while everybody else has their trick or treating fun.  My fever went away through the night so I'm not contagious anymore. I still don't want to be around anybody though. 

I do have candy ready just in case somebody might come to the door.  The thing that stinks is there might be nobody come to the door.  Our town here is a Christian based community, so they all do trunk or treat.  Which I don't like because I am a traditionalist. I like the kids coming to our house and getting their treats.  But, as a parent of 3 kids I can understand the safety part of doing this.  Plus, it is an outreach for the churches which is good.  The churches need to show they can come outside of the building and show others we are friendly and loving and not a bunch of judgemental rats. 

I have a lot of good memories of halloween.  I remember most of my costumes that my mother made for me and my sister.  The best but worst costume she made for me was Yoda from Star Wars.  It was made well, but she used burlap for the material. I scratched all night long. You had to be tough in our neighborhood to go treating.  It was nothing but hillsides.  I believe it was the only time my Dad got exercise.  We would do our neighborhood and then go over to my  Papaw's and go through their neighborhood.  We were very tired by the time it was all over but it was good times I will always cherish forever. 

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