Well, we survived another Easter. It's a struggle to get through these holidays with getting the kids to cooperate for all the pictures and telling them to not wrinkle up their clothes before they get to Church.
The last picture is of Macy, she lost her first tooth at the age of four. There is another right beside it ready to fall out. The tooth fairy is getting expensive these days with two kids losing teeth at the same time. It's fun to play the tooth fairy, every time I do it I am afraid they are going to wake up.
Of course when Easter comes around the world is supposed to be reminded of Christ and what he did upon Calvary's cross. Even though we have no exact date in the Bible of when Christ died it's nice to have a day to try to get those who never think about him to have a chance too.
I wonder what life would be like to have no real point to live. Those who don't believe in Christ I wonder what their goal in life is. Are they searching for some kind of direction to point their life to. I couldn't imagine not having the routine of prayer in the morning or not having anyone to thank for all the days blessings at night. I would be empty and feel meaningless all through the day.
Every day I wonder about my Father in heaven and think about how good He has been to me and my family and how faithful He is to all of us. I heard the phrase not to long ago that our God is a Jealous God. WOW! Now that is something to think about. The God who created the universe is jealous for our love and respect.
I can understand that in the human way, we constantly want praise from our parents, spouse, children, boss and those around us. We want people all the time to notice what we have done and what we have. That makes sense in that way why our God would be a jealous God. The Max Lucado book I read not to long ago titled "It's not about me" sticks in my head when I think about God being jealous. He wants our praise and thanks for what He has done. I believe He deserves praise every time a word comes out of our mouths which is impossible for us to do.
He's done so much for us all I wouldn't have enough space on this blog to be able to write it all down. We need to remember life is not about us, it's about giving God the praise and thanks he deserves continuously.
He gives us the freedom of choosing to become a Christian or not. It's almost like fishing, he's got it all hanging right there in front of us to reach and grab. But like some fish they just ignore the worm hanging right in front of their face, they only choose what they want to grab. Same with us, we might choose it or decide to never grasp onto the greatest thing ever. Like the fish we see it and think it will be there tomorrow to grab, but it might not be. In fishing that hook with the worm will not be there so now they have to continue to search for something else.
We think God's love will be there tomorrow and it will be, but decide fast because it might not be back and time is up.
The only difference between fishing and humans is that if the fish grabs the worm that painful hook punches great pain into the jaw of the fish. Where if we decide to grasp onto the hook of Godly love there is no hook or pain, because Jesus already took the pain of the hook for us. Amazing isn't it, a free gift to a better life without pain. Which hook will you take?
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