I just read the update page for Ethan Powell and he is not in very good condition at all. He has caught some type of respiratory virus that is wearing him out. His immune system is extremely low right now, and any type of bug could beat him pretty badly. When things were looking up for this little child he has suddenly slid back down the very mountain he was climbing.
There were four updates on him today and all four were not good. He can't breath very well because they think he might have a good size blood clot in his nose from all the nose bleeds that have occurred.
His heart rate has been way above normal for a little child his age and his lungs are exhausted. They had an oxygen apparatus in his nose but it did not seem to do the trick for him. He is on a ventilator to help him breath better and maybe this will help his lungs rest and get rid of some of the fluid built up in his lungs.
I look at this picture of this rainbow and it gives me great hope in all things. I believe it is "The Living Creator" showing His awesome power to us. I haven't seen one in a long time though, but the last one I saw I tried to follow it and I never found the end of it. A rainbow to me is like God's love it's never ending. It stretches to a great distance and you'll never find its beginning or its end.
I pray God will push Ethan back up that mountain of healing and that our faith will be even greater if He decides to push or give Ethan rest. I pray for a huge miraculous push. Also, my Aunt Monna goes to get her leg x-rayed tomorrow, I pray for a huge healing difference in her leg. She's ready to go home soon!
My blog from yesterday might have been pretty harsh about Bush and other things. I guess sometimes you just have to let it out instead of holding it in. I hope nobody was offended. Praise our Father in Heaven for giving us more than we need, our cup overflows!
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