I didn't really have a picture to match my writing tonight, so I just thought I would put this one in.
Nikki had a link on her blog about a story of 9 third graders plotting to do some harm to their teacher in Waycross, Georgia.
They had a knife, handcuffs, duct tape and other things in their possession also. What the heck is going on? Ah,bad parenting, not raising your children in a Christian environment, allowing kids at that age to watch extremely violent movies and allowing them to play terribly violent video games. DUH!
The principal of the school was dumbfounded by the plot and can't believe kids at that age could think of something like that. Hello!
Parents these days don't care about what their kids do. Not all parents, but there are many out there that don't give a hoot, what their children are doing. To some parents these days their children are nothing but a chore. If they can find them something to watch or do that keeps them entertained and keeps them off their backs they will let them do it.
We live in a strange and violent world. We have a bunch of parents who in my mind should never been allowed to breed. I mean that,truly and deeply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Many would say it's the black people who are the poor parents NO! There are just as many white people who are pitiful parents too. Trust me I've seen and grew up with kids who had not so great parents or home structure. Parents are not taking on the responsibility of raising children like they should be. Then there are those ignorant people and corporations that produce violent movies and video games that should be hung upside down like a pinata until they confess to their horrible inventions.
If Brayden's principal called me and said your son was involved in a plot like this one above, the kid better be afraid to come home. He wouldn't be allowed to move for a week, he would get the spanking of a lifetime and then he would sit until he could not cry anymore tears. Then he would apologize to the school and the teacher and I would probably call one of the TV stations in Little Rock and he would do the apology on the air to the whole state of Arkansas. Discipline!
What ever happened to good ole' discipline? Not the time out junk, sit 1 minute for the age of the child. My kids would never learn that way, that's too short. The world has gotten to soft on this, I believe schools should paddle. The public school has lost their fear from the students, and therefore they are the ones who hide from the students. Pretty soon the school falculty will be packing heat in fear of their students.
I remember my principal at Triadelphia Junior High Ted Mattern he was to be feared. Big man and the Big Dog of the school. He would've given Hulk Hogan a match for his money, I feared Mr. Mattern. Then there was Mr. Richardson at Woodsdale elementary, my fifth grade teacher, that guy would've clocked you in the head if he was permitted to. If you talked in his class he would take you out in the stairwell an scream at the top of his lungs at you. He took a big class stud out there one time and the stud was balling his eyes out. Those 3rd graders would not have a chance with Big R. He would have thrown them like a bear throwing a bunch of cats. Fear in a teacher and fear of the faculty, that's what we need. But thanks to the ACLU and whatever else softy group is out there they have destroyed the world and it's culture by their ignorance.
We just continue to let them have their way. Why? Do we fear the activists groups? If we do we are just a bunch of cowards like the faculties in our public schools! These things will continue to happen if somebody doesn't stand up and say Enough is Enough!
Hi Clint, I tell you one thing, you are sooo right. The kids that I watch in childcare, who are 3 and 4 years old, told me the other day that they saw Saw 4!!! and Chucky is a regularly watched movie at their house. I have never or WILL ever watch the saw movies. They are horrible. And for a 3 and 4 year old to watch that is awful. I consider my daycare to be a ministry for God to touch these children's lives.
I agree completely. My sisters and I would go visiting with our mother and actually sit on the sofa while everyone talked. What a simple way to learn patience. Some of things children do today amaze me when they visit. Do you remember "the look" ... our parents or even any other adult could look at us and we wouldn't even ...we knew the consequences. Where did the look go? It was sooo powerful.
I'm glad you all left good comments like you did. I really am disturbed by some of the things that are going with parents and their children these days. When I bought an x-box a couple of years ago I said there would be nothing but sport games and kids games. And Brayden knows the rules. We'll be looking at games and i pulled one out to just look at it and he said Daddy that has a "T" you can't buy it. I was in shock!
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