I have never seen great faith in two parents like I have seen in Ethan Powell's. Faith that makes mine look foolish. I wrote them a long email and told them what great parents they were. I don't know this family at all, but the Christian bond runs thick and through that Christian bond I feel like I've known them for a long time.
Your have to log onto his website and read the last paragraph he wrote, it will bring you to tears.
I don't know what I would do if one of my children were going through this same type pf situation. But I wrote to Ethan's father Ben if something like this were to happen that their story would run through my mind. Never giving up not one inch. Believing the situation was going to be handled through God, not the doctors but God working through the doctors. Through faith they have asked many to pray hard and lengthy prayers. I believe they knew that death may result in little Ethan but that was the last resort.
Of last report Ethan is in limbo between life or death, but we all know that God is the decider of all things He will bring the final decision. We all hope that Ethan will make a full recovery and that he will be playing baseball and doing other things that we have all enjoyed in our childhood.
If God decides to choose the other path for him, we all know he will be better off than any of us right now.
Ethan has become the rainbow in my life, I have seen a sign that has showed me to let the world be the world and let me and us be the pot of gold for those who need God in their life.
May God place all His comfort upon Ethan and the many others who are suffering also.
Please say a huge prayer for Ethan. Go to his website http://www.ethanpowell.com/ and read the stories of all his friends and adopt one of them for your prayers every night. May God bless the Christians in this world. - Clint
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