This time of year I always get excited to see the newness of Creation. In 1992 I found my passion for plants when Bill Beckett gave me an opportunity to work at his garden center that summer. I didn't have a clue what any of the plants were, let alone the difference between a shrub and a petunia.

Have you ever thought like that? We know wood comes from trees, but what is wood made out of? We don't know where God came up with the materials to make wood. Maybe that will be a question he will answer when we rise to see Him.
I look at these pictures and I am just amazed at their beauty. How can somebody say they have no belief in a Living God? The Earth amazes me, the way things are, and how they came to be.
To look at the Earth during the winter months and how drab everything is, and then to see trees popping out and flowers displaying their beauty as usual is something of pure joy.
I hate it in the summer time when those little annoying bugs known as gnats and skeeters (an Arkansas term for Mosquito's) come crawling out and drive you insane. I can say I hate the skeeters but the gnats turn my brain in complete circles. I wonder how God created such a little creature like that. They are so tiny, and to see them fly and to see something so small like a gnat move. I wonder how small their little organs are. To think the Creator of the Heavens and the vast Universe took His own time and effort to create a little tiny bug like that. I am Amazed, yet those little "Stinkers" can tick me off in a split second. WOW!

My children, they bring me to complete belief in God. I just can't look at my children and not see the excellence of the Creator. Creation of life is a topic that humbles me, the process of how we are created is unfathomable! I remember when each one was in Shannon's stomach and I thought what gift is He going to give me. With a child you have no clue what your going to get. Tucked away like a wrapped present, you have no idea what your getting until the gift is unwrapped. Clueless we parents are! The Greatness of God. By faith we suffer for 9 months wondering what we are getting. Things run through your mind all the way to point of birth, hoping every limb is attached, that they have a head and a heartbeat. With all three children I worried for 9 months if everything was okay with them. The ultrasound should have been proof enough, NO! I wanted the product in my hand before I quit worrying, a sad lack of faith on my part. But after each one was born my eyes were filled with tears and amazed at the gifts God had so humbly given me and Shannon. I am filled with joy every day I wake up to see them and hear them talk, sing and yes even fight. We who are parents need to step back and get on our knees for what God has truly blessed us with.
I write about this topic because of all we hear about ignorant people fighting against us Christians to rid of us of our rights to free speech and free religion. The American Family Association sends me emails about topics like that above. I've gotten to the point where I just delete the emails and never open them. I get to angry and hateful toward these atheistic people that I just want to get in their face and scream at the top of my lungs at them. But I don't want to be like that, I want to be peaceful with them.
I believe if they just sat down with me or any other Christian and gave us five minutes of their time. They would see a different picture of a Christian, not how the media portrays Christians as war mongers and one sided opinions. If they would just look at the creation and open their eyes to a different view some might just release their disbelief and take in the amazement of God's creation. I know they would completely feel the "Big Bang" when they see it for themselves. I will finish with this passage from Genesis 1:31
"God saw all that He had made, and it was very good."
Even The Creator took a step back and looked at His work!
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