I just finished the book "90 minutes in heaven." Really a good read. His description of heaven was pretty much what I thought it might be. Over the past couple of years I have been thinking about the beauty of heaven. The after life is something we can't grasp and really have some descriptions of what it might be like. Yet we can't really get a feel for it though.
Don Piper's description told of a welcoming party waiting for him with great anticipation. He saw people their he knew and received hugs from them and claimed he had never felt such love, ever!
Here is a brief description of his time in heaven.
"In my next moment of awareness, I was standing in heaven. Joy pulsated through me as I looked around. And at that moment I became aware of a large crowd of people. They stood in front of a brilliant, ornate gate. I have no idea how far away they were; such things as distance didn't matter. As the crowd rushed toward me, I didn't see Jesus, but I did see people I had known. As they surged toward me, I knew instantly that all had died during my lifetime. Their presence seemed absolutely natural.
They rushed toward me, and every person was smiling, shouting and praising God. Although no one said so, intuitively I knew they were my celestial welcoming committee. It was as if they had all gathered outside heaven's gate waiting for me."
That is awesome! Think of all the people that have gone before you in death and think about them waiting for you outside of heaven's gate. Smiling and praising God. Smiling, that is something you don't see a whole lot. A smile, a real smile not a fake smile. A smile we will never really know until we reach heaven. A smile of completeness, happiness and pure fulfilled joy! I really have no clue of what that kind of smile is.
People praising God. We praise God every time we worship. We praise Him as much as we can. But earthly praise is nothing compared to Heavenly praise is it? Compete praise to our Lord is what we will be doing when we all get to heaven. He speaks of the music he heard and how wonderful it was. Music we have never heard on Earth.
He states he has never felt such joy and love ever. He was finally where he always longed to be, heaven. I don't know what you believe about this man's journey, but his description seems all to real for me. He was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident and he was gone for 90 minutes. You will have to read the book to see all that he went through during his recovery. It took him 2 years to finally talk about his journey to heaven. He was afraid to say anything about it, but after he did he helped a lot of people through his story. Nobody knows what God has planned for them. He will eventually show us the way or he already is showing us our Divine path, we just haven't opened up our hearts and our eyes yet to see it. Trust God with all you concerns and needs and He will open a door for you always. He did for Don.
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