Sunday morning I could only attend Church for 40 minutes because of this unholy company I work for. But I was glad I was able to get that much time. So I came home and got dressed to go to work and sat down to eat something before I left. I turned on the TV and was watching the news. All they talked about was how Obama was going to try and solve the health care system and talked about the financial market and just sat there and argued about how each other disagreed on how things are not getting done.
So I thought, maybe they should instead give God the glory and praise, that He held this country together and hasn't allowed this country to go into another Great Depression. We don't know how to give God the glory and praise He deserves. That is what He wants. He gave His one and only Son on a cross, he wants praised for not wiping us off the face of the Earth and giving His precious son for us. When you are bailed out of a financial crisis or a major health problem don't just say it in a prayer, shout it out loud. Tell everybody you can about how God is alive and how he is healing still. When Jesus healed people they ran off and told all they could about the wondrous healing power of Christ.
I don't believe we are to be a bunch of Introverts and keep God's glory to ourselves. Our God is a "consuming fire." His love and mercy can spread through anybody if we tell people about Him. Many know of a higher being, yet they don't know how to reach him or don't think He really does anything for us. As Christians we need to tell our story about how God has done and continues to do for us every day. I've been reading this book titled, "Glimpses of Heaven." It was written by a former Hospice nurse who tells about her patients (who are near death) and shares there stories about leaving and going to their Creator. The stories are "Amazing!" He's ready for us to come to him, but he wants us first to share His story and what a beautiful story it is. Give God the glory and give others His Glory also.
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