I've just started reading the book, "90 minutes in Heaven." I have been wanting to read for a long time, but I was skeptical. I always believed God doesn't reveal His heaven to anybody. I always thought it won't be seen until we die or until He comes to take us to Him.
I've always had my visions of what Heaven might be like. But they were nowhere near what He has planned for us to see. We just can't fathom such a glorious sight. We can have thoughts though and try our best to see it.
I often think of the pain many have suffered and are suffering right now. To think they will completely healed and have no pain at all. We will feel love like we have never have never felt before. The authors description of his 90 minutes in heaven is to well described to not be real. I just felt this overwhelming relief as he told of his experience. It's almost what I thought it might be and even more. I have no idea if he actually went there or not, but as you continue to read about the accident that false belief in his story really starts to become more real.
His description is so warming. It will make you think twice about what we are missing here on this planet. Love there is something we will never feel here at all. I long for heaven, I don't want to leave here until I accomplish God's work here first and then I will feel ready. God is so real. He is out there among us, don't deny it for one minute.
The author stated he felt so complete that he never worried about anybody back here on Earth, the light was so illuminating that it didn't bother him it just amazed him. The singing was nothing he had ever heard before. He couldn't tell where it was coming from but it just filled him. It was a constant singing of praise to God. I can't even imagine it!
As he entered a welcoming party was there waiting for him of relatives and people who have been an influence in his life. They hugged him and he said he has never felt so much love and their touch was so filling to him. Amazing!
Can you imagine how loving God is? Can you imagine being in his prescence? We know how excitement feels and what it's like to anticipate something good. But we will never feel the excitement here that we will feel when we stand in the light of the Almighty. I can't wait!
1 comment:
It's a good book and Piper should be congratulated for sharing his Near Death Experience. Only readers should be aware of one serious mistake he makes in the book which is to jump from hearing songs praising Jesus and meeting fellow Christians in heaven to religious fundamentalism. Research of Near Death Experiences show that there is no evidence to support that heaven is exclusively for Christians, or a narrow interpretation of the Bible, as experiences of heaven happen in all cultures and religions. Cross cultural studies of Near Death Experiences show that the Golden Rule truly means that we must love our neighbor - even if this person is of another faith - and "hell" is not something we can simply throw around when we disagree with people. If you have not fallen asleep in Christ, or simply use reason as well, and want to know what people who have Near Death Experiences truly experience in Heaven, have a look at my book Behind 90 Minutes in Heaven.
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