John 4:13-14 Jesus answered, "Everyone who drinks this will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give will never be thirsty. The water I give will become a spring of water gushing up inside of that person, giving eternal life."
I took this picture at a restaurant in Heber Springs on Father's day. I never thought it would take as good as it did. Little did I know it would make a blog. But I think it has a lot of meaning, after you read this verse it does.
The setting of this passage is Jesus talking to the Samaritan woman at the well. He surprises the woman by him just talking to her. She was a Samaritan and he was Jew. Since they were not to talk to each other because of their beliefs. But it shows that Jesus is for all. For all, who are thirsting for something more than this planet and its hollow ways. Jesus asks for her a drink, and she is surprised by the question from him. Yet, she is surprised by all his knowledge of her life and how many husbands she has had over the years. As Jesus tells who he is, she is astounded and runs back into town and tells everyone about her little chat with the Christ. Wouldn't you? I would've never left his side. I would have been asking more questions.
Jesus the water of life and for life. I remember last week when it was so humid and hot and I had to work out in it. I just couldn't wait to get home and feel the cool air of our house. I couldn't wait to get something cool and refreshing to quench my thirst. When I did it was great!!!!! But the next day I was right out there again feeling the same way. Thirsty and hot. It was 118 degrees in the sun for 10 days straight. It was awful, but I took it on and cooled off as much as I could. Yet it didn't last very long, as I returned back into the heat again I felt the need again.
With Jesus it will last for all eternity. He will quench our thirst we search for. Our satisfaction is guaranteed in him always. While we are here on Earth we will face troubles. Even becoming or being a Christian doesn't keep us from troubles in life. We will suffer just like those who don't wear the name of Christ. But us having Christ in our lives will make it easier to deal with our troubles in life. Instead of trying to solve them for ourselves we can pray them away to him. Life is easier when Christ "The Fountain of life" is flowing through us. Accept Christ in your life and drink deeply- it will never run out!
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