I don't know what or who you blame bad things or painful situations on. But I usually took the blame or fault upon myself. I often thought who else would I blame? I made the decision and I always felt it was my fault. So now as I grow older and maybe a little more wise in my life. I feel the blame is all Satan's.
I know we have a brain and if our lives are laid upon the foundation of Christ. Should we still blame ourselves for the stupid decisions we make? I really feel we should take some of the blame, yet Satan is at his best when we are weak. He can slide in at just the right time.
Someone said one time in Bible class that Satan strikes right when things are going good for us. When Satan sees us at our most spiritual point in our lives, he's poised and ready to strike. That is so true. Really he strikes at any time. But for him to see us at our closest to God, he despises it. He wants nothing Godly to come out of our lives. He wants us to be his victim.
The picture above really gets me. It makes me feel relief. To know that Jesus has become human to do what we couldn't, makes me rejoice. It makes me put the blame at the foot of the cross, and Christ erases it all. WOW!
I try not to judge anybody. Including myself. There are a few people I am thinking about right now. I see there selfishness destroying others around them. Dividing a family! It kills me and I am in great division right now. Who is to blame? Satan is a major factor right now, but I also believe another person is to blame for dividing up the family. It angers me, yet I don't know nothing else but to pray about the situation. This person needs to "bow" up and become the person they should be and put their selfishness aside and rid their life of Satan. I do blame Satan for this whole situation and hope the party responsible repents and does what they need to do, people are hurt and God can heal all involved. Let's get the world and Satan out of our lives and focus on the real reason we are here. Serving God, Christ, the Holy Spirit and serving others. That is our reason for being here. Not to party and live life to the fullest, but to serve a higher power!
Hi, it's a very great blog.
I could tell how much efforts you've taken on it.
Keep doing!
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