I wasn't going to write about Michael Jackson, but how can you not. I grew up listening to him most of my life. He was larger than life then. Thriller came out when I was in 5th grade. Everybody was singing it. I remember people wearing the diamond studded glove on one hand and others wearing the red jacket that he wore in the video. I never wore any of that junk. I thought it was stupid, but I do remember learning how to "Moon Walk" though. I was so excited when I finally figured out how to do it. Now I think it's dumb, but back then it was the cool thing to do.
I'm not going to rake the poor guy over the coals, like everybody has over the years. I don't know if he molested any children or not. That is for God to judge. I feel we should not judge anybody for their actions. Our actions are of equal value in the sight of God. I don't tolerate the actions of those that do such things to children, but if God sees my sins as equal as theirs. Then all I can do is forgive them. Ok, Enough of that!
I don't know why MJ acted the way he did. But I believe the price of being famous will make you freakish. Always trying to fit in to the eyes that are on you is tough. That's why you should never push your children into the life of being famous. It will mess them up bad! I think we should all push our children into the light of Christ and show them the value of being a servant. We're teaching our children in the wrong ways sometimes, me included. I don't want my children to be star struck by these people that are a bad influence. I don't think there is any value in famous people and their lives, including sports figures. The real heroes are in the Bible and in your church.
So Michael rest in peace and may we not remember him by the negative things, but for the entertainment you brought us over the years.
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